Issues & Insights

Election Fraud Deniers Are The Real Threat To Democracy

If you are like us, you’re sick and tired of being labeled a “denier” any time you challenge the left’s agenda. Don’t believe the earth will be destroyed unless we all live like cavemen? You are a climate denier! You worry about side effects from an experimental new vaccine. Vaccine denier!

And if you suspect that election fraud is a real problem, you’re an election denier!

The problem is that the “deniers” keep turning out to be right.  

The latest example came out of Bridgeport, Connecticut, earlier this month, when a judge overturned the primary election for mayor because of an “unprecedented” volume of evidence showing ballot fraud, including surveillance footage exposing supporters of the incumbent stuffing stacks of absentee ballots into drop boxes.

Even CNN, which can always be relied on to dismiss election fraud as a myth, was forced to admit that “the Connecticut case does highlight the potential vulnerabilities with mail-in voting.”

Just as a reminder, this is exactly what “election deniers” have been saying since 2020, when Democrats used COVID as an excuse to implement widespread mail-in voting schemes across the country.

This is hardly the only recent case of election fraud involving mail-in ballots.

In October, Paterson, New Jersey, the city council president was charged with personally collecting large numbers of mail-in ballots in his district and replacing the ones that didn’t vote for him with ones that did.

In Iowa earlier this year, the wife of a candidate was hit with 52 counts of fraud for allegedly filling out and casting absentee ballots on behalf of her husband, who was running in the Republican congressional primaries.

A search of the Heritage Foundation’s election fraud database finds 127 convictions for election fraud since the 2020 elections, almost half of which involved absentee ballots. Heritage is quick to point out that these numbers wildly undercount actual instances of fraud because the database doesn’t include cases that went unreported or that prosecutors decided not to pursue — which happens all too often.

As J. Christian Adams, president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, and Hans von Spakovsky, manager of Heritage’s election law reform initiative, write:

We saw this when we both worked in the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. Department of Justice. With few exceptions, the attorneys we worked with were openly hostile toward prosecuting election fraud. Even raising the issue of election crimes was considered controversial and evidence of ‘discriminatory conduct,’ because they falsely claimed any such prosecution is ‘voter suppression.’

Still, no matter how much actual, concrete evidence there is that fraud is a real threat to the integrity of elections, Democrats and their water carriers in the media will continue to insist that it “isn’t widespread.”

That’s always been a canard. Election fraud doesn’t need to be widespread. By definition, it’s going to be targeted at states or localities with close elections where tampering with a few ballots can affect the outcome — and a surprisingly large number of elections end up in ties or are decided by one vote. (Which is why it’s so curious that the irregularities in the 2020 election all seemed to be concentrated in states that Democrats knew would be close and where Joe Biden ended up beating Donald Trump by very narrow margins.)

Just to be clear, we are not saying the 2020 election was rigged or that Biden stole the election. We will never know the answer to that. But what we are saying is that voter trust in the integrity of our elections will never be restored so long as one side keeps insisting that election fraud is a myth, while doing everything it can to make cheating easier.

That, dear reader, is the real threat to democracy.

So, it’s high time to turn the tables on the left. Let’s start by calling them “election fraud deniers.” Or maybe “election-fraud-phobes.” Or … well … pick your epithet.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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  • Three US Supreme Court Justices either wrote or endorsed a legal opinion that asserted that the last-minute changes to the Pennsylvania election laws by the State Supreme Court probably violated the US Constitution. The exact phrase used was that “there is a strong likelihood that the State Supreme Court decision violates the Federal Constitution”.

    Should we impeach them, and then arrest them, for “denying the elections”?

    The state court decided that “mail-in” ballots do not need postmarks and that such ballots, even without postmarks, would count as “timely” if they arrived by 5:00 p.m. on the Friday *after* Election Day.

    You can read a short (just four paragraphs long) excerpt of that opinion, without the legal citations, here:

    The penalty for any sort of ballot fraud is up to 1 year in prison and a $1000 fine, per count.

    The penalty for mail fraud involving a ballot is up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, per count.

    That’s why the Democrats removed the requirement to have a postmark on a “mail-in” ballot.

    Biden was officially credited with winning 50.01% of the votes in that election.

    For more background, also read this:

  • How can an honest citizen not “doubt” the outcome of the 2020 election?

    (Doubt seems a more acceptable word than the politically charged lefty smear word of “deny.”)

    One way honest doubt is so obvious is by the use of the ballot boxes and mail-in ballots.

    In my area of Philadelphia many of us do not use the remote blue PO boxes anymore since criminals have stolen so many of the mailmen’s unique access keys and so many of the backroom clerks seem complicit, too, in stealing our mail, and rewriting checks for thousands more than originally written. Fraud and criminal activity in the USPO and the PO Inspectors have seemed powerless to solve these crimes.

    With such lawlessness, even in the previously trusted USPO, how can any honest, self respecting citizen not “doubt” the outcome of 2020, when there were innumerable changes, many clearly illegal changes, to election methods and so many opportunities for evil doers, i.e., political operatives, to cheat us all?

    Best method for fair elections and to remove honest doubt is to return to voting on election day at ones polling place after showing one’s ID.

  • ” But what we are saying is that voter trust in the integrity of our elections will never be restored so long as one side keeps insisting that election fraud is a myth, while doing everything it can to make cheating easier.”

    In fact, what know is that Trump and his supporters have lied over and over and over again about election fraud that didn’t happen. That is what has damaged trust in our elections.

    • Oh yeah, it’s always Trump and Trump supporters that are the rotten apples… NEVER the “Democrats”, no, they’re absolutely perfect little children and NEVER do anything hinkey. Yeah, it’s Trump. NOT all the “Democrats” crying that the sky is falling dozens and dozens of times – all on video – and Stacey Abrams is STILL saying she is Governor of Georfia, years later – when THEY don’t get their way. But, yeah, it’s Trump.

  • It would be educational to pull together all of those 127 instances of vote fraud convictions and, as Leo Goodman the statistician used to say, ransack that data for every piece of information it contains. Are instances of Democrat on Democrat cheating are prevalent? As we all know, elections are clean unless a Democrat or the wrong Democrat loses.

  • Liked the article and would probably subscribe were it not for the vast amount of popups and ads. I understand the need to make a dollar, but I don’t need so much of that.

  • I didn’t see a big fat thank you to Chicago’s Mayor Daley for setting the paradigm and paving the path of election theft.

  • I agree with everything except the last paragraph. The election was rigged ahead of time and stolen with ballot stuffing. The evidence is overwhelming but ignored.

  • How about: Border Deniers; Foolishly&InCorrectly Pulled Out of Afghanistan Deniers; Economic Downturn Deniers; Outrageous Price Rises Deniers; Dangerous Foreign Policy Deniers (I believe Xi will probably attack Taiwan, in Pres. Biden’s last year-since it is the final interregnum year and US policy will be at its most vulnerable); Fentanyl Danger Deniers (or maybe they are just “ignorers” not deniers; Biden Mental Derangement (due to age) Deniers; Abortion is killing babies (in the womb, but sonograms show us the fetus is a living human baby.)

    However, if you want to sum up all the Deniers, just say: Reality Deniers!

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