Issues & Insights
President Joe Biden defends himself against allegation by special counsel that he violated Espionage Act. YouTube screen grab, WCVB Channel 5, Boston.

When Will The Ministry Of Truth Shut Down The Lyin’ Biden Ads?

President Joe Biden’s reelection ad campaign contains a boatload of misinformation and disinformation. Will the censors shut it down? Will the media alert their readers and viewers to the falsehoods? We all know the answers to those questions.

The political left is obsessed with shutting down any speech that doesn’t agree with its narrative. And it has successes to show for it. The Twitter files are the preeminent example. There exists a censorship-industrial complex, “a state-sponsored system targeting ‘disinformation,’” says journalist Matt Taibbi, who had access to the Twitter files, that strike “at the essence of the right to free speech.”

Hardly two years ago, and just a little more than a year into one of the worst administrations in U.S. history, the Biden White House created a Disinformation Governance Board. Its mission was to do the “critical work across several administrations” of addressing “disinformation that threatens the security of our country,” which meant punishing speech the Democrats don’t want the public to hear.

It didn’t last long. In less than four months it was dissolved. Turns out that people didn’t trust it. Many instinctively knew that its real mission was to censor political opponents and the free expression of private citizens who don’t hold the “correct” opinions and beliefs.

It would have also been good cover for the Democrats’ incessant lying, recently manifesting itself in the Biden campaign ads. Following is some of the inflammatory, and intentionally misleading, content from those ads, followed by the facts.

“If I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath. … It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.”

Trump said those words. It’s true. But he wasn’t threatening violence if he loses. Listen to the entire passage, not just a couple of sentences cherry picked by dishonest apparatchiks, and it’s clear he’s talking about the U.S. auto industry being harmed by foreign competition. While we don’t agree with Trump’s proposal to place tariffs on imports, honesty about what he said is still important.

“It is filled with losers” – Trump, referring to the American military cemetery near Paris, in an ad that says “Donald Trump doesn’t know a damn thing about service to his country. This is what he thinks of those who served our country.”

The only person who “heard” this comment was the Atlantic editor in chief, who later admitted he could be wrong. What’s more, “at least 15 Trump administration officials who were with Trump on that trip have now disputed the Atlantic report,” says PJ Media. It’s true that Trump didn’t make the visit in question on Memorial Day in 2017. The trip was canceled due to poor weather conditions, not because he thought the dead were losers.

In that same ad we hear Trump saying “You also had people that were very fine people on both sides.”

The implication is that Trump called white supremacists “very fine people.” Trump said he was not referring to racists or neo-Nazis. People can choose to doubt his explanation if they wish. But to do so they’d have to ignore that he said one day earlier that “we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence” and also released a statement that said “KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups … are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

“This time he’s running again, threatening to be a dictator.”

Those are the words of fake tough guy Robert DeNiro in an ad that ends with Biden saying “I approve this message,” as is required by law. We admit that DeNiro can read a script about as well as the next guy in Hollywood, but the truth about the “dictator” comment is as much fiction as “Taxi Driver.” Trump quipped “I’m gonna be a dictator for one day. We’re gonna do two things: the border, we’re gonna make it so tight, you’re not gonna come in unless you come in legally, and the second is energy, we’re gonna drill baby drill. And then I’m not gonna be a dictator anymore.” No dictator gives up his grip after just one day, so it’s obvious Trump was being cheeky. And Trump doesn’t need to be a dictator to close the border nor craft energy policy that would result in increased drilling. He could do both by merely reversing Biden’s executive orders. Unfortunately, Trump gave the Democrats an opportunity to be the duplicitous sneaks they have long been.

To drinking bleach … we knew Trump was out of control when he was president.”

These are some of the first words from the DeNiro-narrated ad. But Trump never said that. The fact-checkers, always more foe than friend of Republicans, rated Biden’s previous claim that Trump said “if you drank bleach you may be okay” as mostly false. Though he certainly wasn’t as clear as he should have been, when Trump mentioned bleach, he was talking about its usefulness as a disinfectant on surfaces.

Liars are going to lie, and there are no liars like Joe Biden’s Democratic Party of 2024. It’s as if the Disinformation Governance Board were still in business and was dishing out lies rather than exposing them. But then that is exactly what it was designed to do.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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  • I tried to share this article on Facebook and was advised they deleted my post for violating community standards. It’s pretty rich for Facebook to claim an article pointing out how Biden’s ads are misleading is in itself misleading. My husband and I laugh at the stupidity of Biden’s ads, but they certainly explain why anyone supports him. You’d have to be thoroughly propagandized to believe venal, hateful and corrupt lying Joe Biden.

    • Same thing just happened to me. Fascistbook removed my post of this article saying. “It looks like you tried to get likes, follows, shares or video views in a misleading way.”
      No, I pointing out how misleading Biden is!
      I challenged it but I’m sure the leftists will reject the truth as always.

      • I have gotten that same message on Instagram, apropos of nothing. They just don’t like your opinion.

  • Biden cannot stop making things up to buttress his self image.
    Recall Obama’s warning: “Never underestimate Biden’s ability to screw up everything.” The man is a liar and a screw-up. How did a common as a sidewalk man become president?

    However, when will the “Ministry of Truth” turn its attention to one, Nancy Pelosi, who has lied dangerously and seditiously against the USA and against a president?

    As Speaker of the House, she fabricated and initiated two unconstitutional impeachments of a president and empaneled a clownish bunch of “Yes men,” for her J6 Committee, and no one has punished or impeached her for sedition against the US. Her support of the Russian hoax for several years of additional undermining a candidate and a presidency?

    Neither has she been taken to court for tearing up Trump’s State of the Union address like a bratty school girl on international TV. How can Congress ignore her transgressions against the USA while preposterously claiming to defend democracy?

    Ministry of Truth, please step up to the plate.

    • Trump has not become a useless old fool. He claimed Biden was but Trump’s inability to make sence, complete a sentence or speak with more that a 8th grade education is far more frightening. But maybe he has to speak that low so his followers can understand

      • “Trump’s inability to make sence…”

        And you attempt to insult the intelligence of others…

    • We tried posting it on our Issues & Insights Facebook page — repeatedly — and it was deleted without explanation. We are investigating.

  • Free Speech is like science. It is, as is its subject, constantly evolving. If it is stamped out, by government or hi tech sedition (as Matt Tabbi points out), the truth-in science at the time or in any topic- can never be known. Only what Biden and the Government’s Ministry of Truth says is the truth is will ever be considered “the truth.”
    We saw how Fauci and the so-called “health experts” during COVID abused the others who disagreed with them by censoring them and demeaning them and their research. Demeaning them is one thing (although doing it with government power behind you, as Fauci and the NIH and CDC did takes evil to an Orwellian level), but hi-tech internet censoring (such as Facebook and Twittter were shown to have done) of those who interpret the data differently is another.
    Fortunately, we had others during COVID who disagreed with the narrative spooned out by Fauci and his Government “Health”-alphabet-soup cohorts. However, if free speech isn’t fought for-and censorship isn’t recognized and disapproved of-then soon there will not be any freedom of speech; and then censorship will prevail.

  • So the propaganda spouted but the Trump campaign is okay? The lies about his accomplishments while president is okay? His lies about the judicial system are okay? (trashed by the Hunter Biden guilty verdict) Apparently you have consumed the Trump Kool Aid. When he comes for you have fun. Clearly since this is an “opinion” site you don’t feel the need to use facts. Not alternative facts, which don’t exist, but actual facts. You must be a writer at this site lacking in facts because no one on the media left or right would have you. I know you thin skinned coward will not print this but, its the truth. And that is why you won’t print it.

  • If you need to discuss how Biden and his handlers are lying, then you’re wasting time. The ONLY proper response is to mock them. Anything that rationalizes a counter argument just validates their positions (In their eyes)


Americans have been held captive by Hamas terrorists for

258 days 13 hours 39 minutes

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