Issues & Insights
men and a woman protesting in front of the supreme court of the united states
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Come Witness The Left’s Latest Trump Freakout

‘How much should people freak out over Thursday’s SCOTUS oral arguments about Trump’s claims that he can’t be prosecuted for election crimes due to presidential immunity?” asked the Trump-hating Bulwark in a post last week.

Answer: How deep is the ocean? How high is the sky?

The Bulwark itself showcases the freakout, with an article asserting that the Supreme Court handed “another decided win … for the dark forces that threaten to convert our system of government from a democratic republic ruled by the people into one in which unconstrained power could be lodged in a single, despotic man.”

Keep in mind that the only thing that happened last week was that both sides of this case made arguments before the Supreme Court about whether the president is immune from prosecution and if so to what extent? As some of the justices noted, this is a new question, and its ruling will have profound repercussions.

And so, the justices, as is their wont, asked tough questions of both sides. No decision has been made. No one knows how the Court will rule. And any conclusions drawn from those questions is 100% pure speculation.

But the left acted as though the justices, by not immediately ordering Trump hanged in the town square, were themselves guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.

That Bulwark was, in fact, one of the more restrained reactions from the Trump-hating hordes whose desperation to prevent a free and open election has grown exponentially as Trump’s reelection prospects continue to improve.

Herewith is a sampling (emphasis added):

“The conservative jurists chose Trump. It will stand as one of the blackest days in Supreme Court history.” – The New Republic

“After so much speculation that these reasonable, rational jurists would surely dispose of this ridiculous case quickly and easily, Thursday delivered a morass of bad-faith hand-wringing on the right.” – Slate

“If Trump can prevail in November, delay is as good as immunity. The former president’s best chance at defeating the federal criminal charges against him is to win the election and then order the Justice Department to dump the cases. The Court could superficially rule against Trump’s immunity claim, but stall things enough to give him that more fundamental victory.” – The Atlantic

“We may have a Supreme Court bent on … enabling a presidency committed to destroying the freedoms that the Constitution has guaranteed us. – Salon

“The Supreme Court has directly intervened in the 2024 presidential election in a way that deprives the electorate of critical information or gives it less time to grapple with what might happen in a federal courtroom. However the Supreme Court rules, it has egregiously abused its power.” – New York Times

If this is how the Trump-hating left reacts to oral arguments before the Supreme Court, how in the world will it react should voters return Trump to office?

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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  • Trump is a terrible person because he makes Democrats have a tantrum. His authoritarian impulses cause Democrats to undermine rule of law and the Constitution.

    That is the circular logic at play. I have less optimism of a reasonable resolution of the mess we are in with each passing day.

    • Exactly. Anyone who voted otherwise in ’20 or will do so again this year to make the noise stop hasn’t figured out that 100% of the crazy is in reaction to him, not because of anything so unfathomably awful that he actually did.

    • We saw trump admire every dictator he met, he “joked” about violating the Constitution by staying for more than two terms, and he called his violent supporters to attack the Capitol Building to try to reverse a free election.

      • Tell me ….what color is the sky in your world?

        None of those things happened, and somehow in your mind, they’re worse than bugging out of Afghanistan, crashing the currency, flinging the border open, looting the treasury, emptying our military stockpiles, surrendering our sovereignty, and violating each and every one of the first ten Amendments.

        TDS is real. It makes people very, very angry, extremely irrational, and catastrophically stupid. Seek help immediately.

  • Right out of Saul alinski’s “rules for radicals”. To paraphrase; accuse your enemies of doing what you would do. And “useful idiots” buy into it.

  • I just love the smell of Trump induced Liberal panic attacks in the morning. Smells like VICTORY!

  • It’s silly to believe that a President who wasn’t elected unanimously wouldn’t PO some.
    I believe, during Watergate, the same argument (whether a President could be sued by private citizens) was made. It was thought that he had to be impeached. This, I think, was one of the reason’s Nixon resigned. He didn’t want to spend his last years fighting lawsuits.
    Trump, in my opinion, was a wonderful President. He did a lot for this country. Unlike Biden, he solved problems-rather then making them. Everyone says his personality is too bombastic and abrasive.
    However, my take is this: He lived in NY. He grew up in NY. And so his reactions to challenges and attacks are NY-ish. And, if you don’t interpret or mold into a mountain his molehill’s of opinion (which, I thought, everyone is encouraged to have), then his comments are pretty funny and usually spot-on. At least I think so.
    Oh, and I’m not from NY. I’m from Ohio.
    In response to Kitty: I don’t believe it was Trump who caused the Democrat elites to become unhinged and Unconstitutional in their actions. I think it was past Republicans that caused it.
    Trump was the first Republican since Reagan to challenge the Democrats. Their response to Trump is more pellucid because the Democratic Party is far less- nowadays- for America and far more in favor of problem-making Progressive ideologies.

  • The Supreme Court is considering if a President, who is sworn to up hold the laws and protect Americans, may be permitted to choose which ones to ignore. This puts all Americans at risk, the Supreme Court is considering allowing a President to threaten Americans with no consequences. Members of the Court are violating their oaths to uphold the Constitution.

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