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The Tax And Command Party


In the sphere of Democratic Party politics, taxes can never be high enough and government never big enough.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre drove home this sad fact with a sledge hammer last week when she said “Republican tax cuts are responsible for about 90%” of the federal debt that has reached a record $34 trillion, and is larger than the entire U.S. economy, which is not quite $27 trillion.

It is insane to believe this. But Democrats cling to the narrative with the same fanaticism that drove Karl Marx. Of the obvious connection, we will say no more – for the moment. 

No government has ever had a revenue problem. Deficits are the product overspending. Yes, it’s that simple. Families know this. Businesses know this. Yet somehow policymakers – from both parties, unfortunately – refuse to operate under this fundamental truth. Freely and irresponsibly spending other people’s money is deeply ingrained within them.

This is especially true in Washington, where spending has with rare exception exceeded revenues for more than a half century. From 1968 to 2019, federal outlays averaged 20.3% of GDP. Projections indicate that by 2050, it will surpass 30% of GDP.

As the government grows, the private sector must shrink, at least in proportion to the entire economy. Where does it end? Do the Democrats have a point at which they say “enough”? Some might. But the trajectory of the party is a clear indication that most prefer a country in which government, not the private sector, dominates economic and social life.

Without a steady flow of ever-increasing revenues, government doesn’t have the strength to subjugate the citizenry. This is as it should be. Washington should have no more money than is necessary to fund the few and enumerated powers outlined by the Constitution.

But Democrats favor government that is excessive, intrusive and abusive. They agitate daily for a central power that they control, and which shall not and cannot be challenged. They want Americans to be yoked, submissive, and afraid – and taxed into bondage.

The preceding paragraph does not describe a political fringe but a party led by a candidate who received more than 81 million votes – 51% of those cast – in 2020. It’s been a long fall from a group of men who were persuaded that humanity had the unalienable right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” to a party whose belief system is closer to that of revolutionary Bolsheviks than it is our founders.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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  • Remarkable thinking of the Democrat Party’s ideology, locally, statewide and nationally, regarding money! On any issue.

    Locally, not too long ago, our Philadelphia school taxes were half of the $4.6 billion of today. Then the truancy, violence, literacy, dropout, reading and math rates were shockingly horrid, barbaric and abusive of thousands of students who were by any measure, not at all educated for their next step up in life, even after we all paid for 12 years of free public schools for them.

    Now, for the full $4.6 billion in school taxes, the results are even worse. Much worse. Clearly, criminally abusive of thousands of our own Philadelphia students, and of our own city; and what is the Democrat Party’s, since they dominate Philadelphia leadership, solution?

    And the School Board and teacher’s unions, and I fear, our mostly promising brand new mayor, want more money!

  • “But Democrats favor government that is excessive, intrusive and abusive.”

    But remember, kids, Republicans are the Fascists.


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