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Leftists Scratch Their Heads As More Abandon Their Ranks

The only thing more uplifting than watching several prominent liberals drift rightward is the cluelessness of those on the left as to why it’s happening.

This drift is obvious enough, since it includes journalists once heralded by the left such as Matt Taibbi (who won a Young America’s Foundation award) and Glenn Greenwald, and Democratic politicians, including Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (whose speech at a Daily Caller award ceremony drew many loud cheers from the conservative audience), and Sen. John Fetterman (who recently declared that “I am not a progressive”).

Celebrities such as Russell Brand, David Chappelle, and Bill Maher (who “has been riding an asphalt roller over the far left,” according to Townhall) are part of the shift, as are a handful of prominent business leaders, Elon Musk for instance.

That’s to say nothing of the fact that surveys show once tried-and-true liberal constituencies – Hispanics, Asians, blacks, working class, and the young – are abandoning the Democratic party.

It’s not as though these people are suddenly small-government conservatives. They just are waking up to the fact that the left is a cesspool of hatred and intolerance and are looking for the exits.

All of which has caused a lot of confusion on the left. Case in point is a commentary by the New York Times’ Michelle Goldberg, who manages to come up with some theories to explain the realignment.

One is that “celebrity defectors … lurched right after a cancellation or public humiliation.” (In other words, for petty reasons.)

Another is that “the culture of the left is simply less welcoming,” and “people go where people accept them, or are nice to them, and away from people who are mean to them.” (An incredibly odd admission given that the left is supposedly all about “diversity” and “inclusion.”)

But then Goldberg settles on the notion that “Liberals and leftists have lots of excellent policy ideas, but rarely articulate a plausible vision of the future.”

Translation: Even though the left controls every major institution in the country, most notably the news media, it just needs better public relations.

Goldberg’s column was inspired by a 5,700-word behemoth by Kathryn Joyce and Jeff Sharlet in the far-left In These Times about the same topic.

These two start by saying that “It’s easy to dismiss many of these high-profile defectors as crackpots or spotlight-seekers, as never truly serious in their political principles or as plain grifters.”

But, after much mental exertion they decide that “Maybe there’s a kind of gravity to the slide, the black hole of fascism sucking toward it all the loose particles of those whose commitments were never complex or whose convictions were snapped by despair.

“That’s what makes fascism so scary when it genuinely flares. It consumes. It grows.”

When in doubt, the left always invokes fascism, ignorant of the fact that national socialism is a leftist dream, not a conservative one.

In any case, the reason the left is puzzled is because it’s so completely blind to the poisonous fruit of its own ideology, something that is finally dawning on common-sense Americans.

For some, it was the totalitarianism of the COVID apparatchiks, who, among countless other wrongs, forced a solidly liberal top executive, Jennifer Sey, out of Levi Strauss because she dared to say that schools shouldn’t remain closed. Sey later noted Levi’s is “trapped trying to please the mob — and silencing any dissent within the organization. In this, it is like so many other American companies: held hostage by intolerant ideologues who do not believe in genuine inclusion or diversity.”

For others, it was the coordinated silencing of dissent by big government and Big Tech (which, by the way, is the very definition of fascism), and the fact that so many on the left, including “democracy dies in darkness” journalists, were cheering it on.

For many in liberal cities such as San Francisco or New York or Chicago, it’s skyrocketing crime, abandoned storefronts, sidewalks full of homeless tents and human waste, and legions of illegal immigrants housed in bus stations, hotels, and abandoned schools. All of it the result of leftist policies.

For still others, it is the many forms of brutal intolerance the left shows toward anyone who doesn’t fall in line with whatever that day’s dogma happens to be, whether it’s school shutdowns, “transgender rights,” the climate “crisis,” or critical race theory. The left is constantly burning former friends at the stake for being heretics.

For many parents, it’s having the government call them domestic terrorists because they complained about lockdowns and gay pornography in their school libraries.

Now, it’s the left’s virulent antisemitism that was always there but only became glaringly apparent in the wake of Hamas’ genocidal attack on Israel.

The intolerance, bitterness and hate, the unquenchable desire for control, disdain for free speech, and fanaticism have always been features – not bugs – of the left, something we’ve been saying here for years.

The only reason leftists have been able to pretend otherwise is that they had better PR. But that, too, is failing them.

We can only hope those on the left continue to scratch their collective heads about why people are leaving their ranks, until one day they end up in the dustbin of history. Where they belong.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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  • When I was young in the 1960’s, most of the younger people of my age were drifting towards the Left. The 50’s were more of a traditional era. So why did the young start to veer towards the Left. In large part, because of the Vietnam War and the obvious discriminatory and bigotry shown to African-Americans in the past by the supposedly upstanding 50’s generation.
    So the younger people motored to the Left. They saw themselves as non-conformists and tolerant-and at first they were.
    But soon anyone who didn’t believe as they did (as far as Vietnam was concerned) were shunned and mocked. Moreover, the soldiers (many of them drafted) were not seen as patriotic or doing their duty, but were cat-called, dis-respected and spit upon. Some were even physically attacked by the 60’s and 70’s so-called “Generation of Love.”
    Because it would rattle their parents the 60’s generation also gravitated towards Socialism. They denominated Socialism as a more lovable and tolerant creed-and also anti-fascistic (while their 40’s and 50’s parents and grandparents appeared to them as not-since they were the ones who benefited by the traditional norms).
    This is almost a freakish conclusion because Socialism is anything but anti-Fascistic, since in order to convey a Socialistic society you need a Government to run it (to make everyone live by the Socialist ideology). Big Government is inherently Fascistic-forcing people to live in the mold of its ideology.
    In other words NO individualistic free thought is allowed. Ironically, what began as the 60’s generation being non-conformist turned into the 60’s generation becoming conformist and strictly anti-tolerant.
    So while some of the ideas of the 60’s generation were decent and good, others swayed toward Fascism and intolerance. And the Bureaucracy and Leftists (both of which were more insured in keeping their jobs and status under a Socialistic Government) in Government steered the 60’s generation and their schools to continue on their course.
    So today, under the Biden administration, we have Leftism which has led to Fascism and the Usurpation by the present US government of anti-democratic powers.
    Finally, some on the Left have realized going Left has taken them to the edge of the cliff. Let’s hope their not too late in alerting all the others!

  • The predictable characteristic of those on the left side of social and political thinking is their complete and utter inability to see the immediate consequences of policies they support.

    If you allow shoplifting, especially, in the shops in poor neighborhoods, the shops will close leaving the poor people without shops.
    If you aggressively tax the wealthy, the wealthy will leave and take their taxes with them, leaving your city with less revenue.
    If you defund the police, you will have fewer police and more crime.
    If you allow numerous ways to vote, there will be additional ways for operatives to cheat elections.
    If you allow millions of strangers to cross your border, you will have millions of predictable social, cultural and criminal consequences, probably even terrorism.

    As predictable as night follows day, but those on the left never see the guaranteed consequences of their short thinking.


  • Could it be that people have finally saw through their communist agenda? because that is all it really is

  • The democRats and rino that go along with them have always been frauds. The uniparty establishment has achieved total power with the election fraud coup of 2020 and we are witnessing the result, complete incompetence corruption and failure on every front. When your government its agencies and the media are built on years of lying cheating and stealing from the American citizen and you reward important government jobs to incompetent activisists that cannot do the job it is a recipie for the disaster on every front that we are facing now. Help US and Trump Make America Great Again before it is too late

  • We all get VERY excited whenever a Leftist “drifts Right.” Then we invite them to leave the DNC and join the RNC. Then we put a LOT of faith in them and their conversion. And then they SCREW us…because they are STILL LEFTISTS. Try to remember that even a broken clock is right twice a day.

    • About that clock…It depends on when you read the dial. It could only be right once, lol! ( A typical arrogant and authoritarian leftist would say) but you are correct… I think it went “trust but verify”,yep, heard him say it!

  • Generally, this article is spot on in its analysis and facts, however, it is not correct to say that the left in the US has always been antisemitic or welcoming to such. In fact Jews were both visible and welcome over the full spectrum of leftwing ideology for most of my adult life, with the exception of a few fringe groups (exactly like the right then and now). However, that changed in the late 90s with the rise and mainstreaming of the BDS movement, which not only was a safe haven for antisemites, but a nursery for them. That was one of the top three reasons I changed stripes from being a militant left winger to a staunch conservative, and this in spite of the fact that I agreed with the basic notion that the Palestinians were and continue to be the victims of great injustices, because signing on to a holocaust is worse than tolerating the status quo vis a vis Israel and the Palestinians.

    • Antisemitism on the hard left goes back much further than that. I experienced it myself as long ago as the 70s living in San Francisco and its origins go further back to the left adopting “Third World” rhetoric which was always anti-Zionist. The difference is that the hard left which used to be on the political fringe in the US has now taken over one of the major parties.

  • It never fails to amaze me how many seem to believe that Fascism and Nazism are politically Right wing.
    Benito Mussolini’s favourite synonym for Fascism was Corporate Socialism, and any perusal of the works of Hitler will clearly demonstrate his profound attachment to Socialism

    • You refer to Hitler’s gravitation toward socialism? You’re kidding right? He founded the National Socialist Worker’s Party of Germany (AKA the Nazis). There is is no gravitation to it, he was a Socialist through and through.

  • I disagree respectful, the primary motivation to switch ideologies or “parties” is: #1 who wants to live bossed and controlled by angry, old grandma’s who have no sense of humor? Cool kids don’t, rebels don’t, individual thinkers don’t. They’re boring and have no sense of humor. Trump town is fun, bright and rebellious. The Maga right is John Wayne gone wild. #2 Few Public Democrats are anyone a young person or Immigrant would want to ispire to be. This “leaders” are basics the biggest nerds from high-school and the people who would otherwise have no clout or statis in society. Other than a few cuck sports-ball players or movie stars who only seem half in emotionally on the ideological ideas as at the end of the day they are taxed to death. Some use hyperbole when the timing is right to move music revenue or get clout like Madonna but she is at the end of her fireworks show.

  • “But, after much mental exertion they decide that “Maybe there’s a kind of gravity to the slide, the black hole of fascism sucking toward it all the loose particles of those whose commitments were never complex or whose convictions were snapped by despair.”

    Just the reverse, kids – they’re being repelled by the left’s fascist underpinnings – which are less and less hidden every day.

  • The Demokrat Party has become what it said it wasn’t. Bossy. Busy bodies. Bullies. Blowhards. Authoritarian Karens and Kens and it seems breaks its neck to embrace the next outrageous perverse fad. If it’s weird, perverse or harmful to children, the Demokrat Party will rush to make it a constituency in the Party, decency be d a r n e d.

  • It seems that with a lot of leftists, the abandonment – or show of abandonment – comes after being personally impacted. Bill Maher and other progressive Jews were on board with DEI until it turned on them. Russell Brand was in good standing until he dared to question the Covid narrative and other things we were told. Same with JK Rowling until she dared to speak unspeakable truths about biology. And plenty of leftists hated the cops until they became crime victims.

    While it’s nice that they’re noticing a specific flaw in proggy dogma, is that leading them to question other aspects of the faith? The leftist who leaves a blue state for a red one but brings along the same tired politics that caused the original problem is practically a cliché. I’m all for people changing their minds or admitting they were wrong about something, but it would be nice if they see beyond the particular nit that they’re picking.

    None of the folks cited above is in any danger of becoming conservative or – gasp! – Republican. I doubt many will change their voting habits, but am willing to be proven wrong. These lightbulb moments are schaden-tastic but are they more than rhetorical junk food, meaning is there some substance behind the reawakening of the formerly woke?

  • 1) Go Left, go broke, Go woke, go broke. Go green, go broke. Go Godless, go to hell.
    2) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion is a bald-faced lie.
    3) Biden is a bald-faced lier: Nothing is built. Nothing is back. Nothing is better.
    4)Democrat-Farmer-Labor…”we’re for the working man” … Yeah sure, heard that schtick for years and another bald-faced lie.
    5) JFK was a mainstream democrat but he’s never mentioned, long forgotten or considered a right-winger by todays democrat party of Marxists.

  • “…abandon the Democratic party.”
    Let me fix that quote for you:
    “…abandon the Democrat Party.”
    They are NOT democratic; they steal elections. Please don’t call them the democratic party. They’re not. Call them the Democrat Party.

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