Issues & Insights
flaming gray candles
Photo by Hakan Erenler on

Time To Buy Stock In Candle Companies

Summer arrives in the Northern Hemisphere on Wednesday and it’s likely to be a cruel one in the countries where policymakers are forcing a green energy transition. Enlightened, these people are not.

There’s a lot of truth to the old joke that goes: “What did socialists use before candles? Electricity.” The green energy “revolution” is taking us backward, to an era in which there won’t be enough electricity to meet the demand.

Members of the House Subcommittee on Energy, Climate, and Grid Security were told last week to expect “potentially catastrophic consequences” due to dispatchable generating sources being retired “far too quickly” in the race to replace those sources – natural gas, coal and nuclear, which are available on demand – with renewables, primarily wind and solar. Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner Mark C. Christie told the congressmen that lawmakers’ and activists’ obsession (our characterization) with green energy threatens “our ability to keep the lights on.”

Though obvious to us all, it’s important to continually point out that wind can’t produce electricity when it doesn’t blow and solar can’t generate power when it’s dark (or the sun is screened out by smoke from forest fires that are caused by man’s refusal to properly manage forests, not his emissions of carbon dioxide).

Christie also told subcommittee members that PJM Interconnection, a regional power transmission organization that serves 13 states and the District of Columbia, is expected to lose 40 gigawatts of generation capacity by 2030 due to early retirements of generating units.

Roughly 90% of the lost capacity is energy spun out by dispatchable sources, mainly coal and gas, which produce at the flick of switch. Meanwhile, as PJM unplugs dependable sources, it will need an additional 13 gigawatts by 2030, and California, where the petty tyranny is outlawing automobiles with internal-combustion engines, which are to be replaced by electric vehicles, won’t have enough energy to chase away the dark in the coming decades.

The best way to sum up Christie’s testimony is with his own words:

I think we’re heading for potentially very dire consequences, potentially catastrophic consequences in the United States in terms of the reliability of our grid, and I think that the basic reason is that we’re facing a shortfall of power supply. … The grid has to have power being fed into it every second of every minute of every hour of every day to keep the lights on. You store it up and bring it out the next day.

James P. Danly, also a Federal Energy Regulatory commissioner, made an important contribution to the hearing when he connected state and federal ​​public policies that are intended to promote fickle wind and solar energy to the political campaign to “drive fossil-fuel generators out of business as quickly as possible.” Right in front of us is an energy deficit by design.

Outside the U.S., the Germans, who are in the process of shutting down their nuclear power plants in their mad rush to go green, were stocking up on candles in December as they were staring into the black abyss of an energy crisis. Today they are fast approaching a grim future that looks like the past, and “can expect to see industries leave the country due to [a] green energy policy ‘disaster’ that saw nuclear power plants ditched for renewables,” reports the Daily Mail. This winter, the country expects it will be dependent on French nuclear power.

The British are also dealing with their own green energy disaster. Over the winter, “consumers were asked to make a choice: keep consuming power as normal or just turn the lights off,” says Bloomberg, in “a preview of the choices and behavior that will have to become commonplace as the world transitions its energy supply to depend overwhelmingly on intermittent renewable sources.”

We wish were in the candle business (and owned a match factory). Or made emergency generators. Because those items will be in high demand as the West goes black thanks to green.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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  • Hi…
    Wow, I never thought about investing in candle companies before! This post has opened my eyes to a new opportunity. I love candles and I can see how they can be a profitable business. Thank you for sharing this information!
    Stay Blessed – Mel

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  • When all this crap comes to pass, try to find people who will admit they voted DEMOCRAT and you may have a hard time finding anyone. I couldn’t find anyone who admitted voting for jimmy carter when the nation was gripped in a “malaise” as he called it, that was caused by his policies way back when.

  • … And let’s not forget portable generators are being banned in more & more communities (they run on gasoline).

  • Buy Candles,really? The wax for candles comes from crude oil processing so it will be up to the dwindling bee population to supply the wax.

  • Rather than stock in candle companies, I think I’ll buy another 500 gallon propane tank to feed the backup generator.

  • The environmental “activists” and their elite supporters will not be happy until we’re all living in mud huts, and carrying our daily water ration in a bucket from the creek down the hill. Well, maybe not all of us – the elitists will still live in their mansions, while those of us belonging to the Great Unwashed are forced to suffer.

  • The last sentence of the quotation Mr Christie’s testimony seems to be missing a word: “ The grid has to have power being fed into it every second of every minute of every hour of every day to keep the lights on. You [missing: don’t/can’t] store it up and bring it out the next day.” The point is that, except for some limited pumped-hydro or other tech, grid inputs and outputs must be continuously matched.

  • They still make Candles by Hand we should send Candles to Washington D.C.(District of Crooks)and the UN(Useless Nations)and all the Hollywood Eco-Freaks opposed to Fossil Fuels

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