5 Charts Expose 1 Big Pelosi Lie


“When you bring down unemployment, inflation goes up.” — Nancy Pelosi, Oct. 18 interview.

For more than a year, Democrats have dismissed inflation, pointed the finger of blame at everyone but themselves, or tried to make it sound like we should be grateful because inflation “always happens” when the economy recovers.

Way back in June 2021, President Joe Biden said higher prices “were expected and are expected to be temporary” because, you see, “you can’t flip the global economics light back and not expect this to happen.”

The public never bought into this, but kudos to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for sticking with the Big Lie. In that Oct. 18 interview, Pelosi says that Democrats need to focus on the fact that Biden “brought unemployment [down], cut it in half,” to explain why prices went up.

Pelosi’s been making this claim for a while. Back in February, she said: “The fact that people have jobs always contributes to an increase in inflation, and that’s a good thing.”

Is she right? Does inflation go up when unemployment goes down? Look at the four charts below and see for yourself. These show inflation rates during four sustained and strong drops in the unemployment rate over the past 40 years.

I&I Chart

In most cases, inflation went down, not up. In Donald Trump’s case, the inflation rate seems to be jumping around more only because the scale is different – unemployment and inflation were both lower than they’d been historically.

What about Biden, then? Take a look at what’s happened on his watch.

I&I Chart

This shows how aberrant the current situation is. Even the leftist “fact checking” site Politifact rates Pelosi’s claim as “mostly false.”

So, if it’s not the strong job market, what or who is to blame for the four-decade-high inflation rates?

Biden, Pelosi, and the rest of the Democrats have been in charge of Washington for the past two years. They are the ones who, in the face of warnings that it would unleash an inflationary spiral, rushed through a $2 trillion spending spree at a time when the economy had already come roaring back under Trump.

Democrats are constantly patting themselves on the back for sticking to the facts and telling the truth. This is just one example, one of many, that shows how casually they lie about things that matter.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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  • Lady Pelosi schemes while she dreams of power and the wealth it can bring. She was all in for not changing the laws that allowed members of congress to trade stocks until public pressure made her bend, but that was after many years of her husband trading on information she had from what she heard in the halls and secret Capitol byways, amassing a fortune north of $100 million. Who says politics doesn’t pay.

    Most successful politicians are schemers and connivers, lying without tells when beneficial to the party or themselves. Whenever I see her on the news, I feel an urgent need for a shower. By the way, Republicans are not any different.

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