Issues & Insights
Jennie A. Brownscombe

I&I Awards Its First ‘Foolitzer Prize’ To MSNBC For Its Thanksgiving Coverage

In our continued effort to point out the ugly media bias that misleads and divides us, we have created a prize that will be occasionally handed out to outlets and journalists that promote the Democrats’ agenda, violate decent sensibilities, tell outright lies, or demonstrate an obvious hatred of America. Our first Foolitzer goes to MSNBC for a rant of the sort that has become all too common this time of the year.

During Saturday’s “The Cross Connection,” host Tiffany Cross turned the screen and the microphone over to a “Cross Connection favorite,” who launched into a tirade about settlers who brought nothing but took everything.

In what appears to be a pre-taped “essay” for the show, Gyasi Ross, identified as an American Indian, lectured viewers on “the mythology of Thanksgiving,” which he believes “closely mimics the mythology of white America.” The idea of “equal exchange” between Native Americans and settlers on what some say is the first Thanksgiving is how America “wants to see itself.”

“I’m still trying to find out what indigenous people received of value” from the first Thanksgiving, he said. “Instead of bringing stuffing and biscuits, those settlers brought genocide and violence.”

Of course, he conveniently ignores the genocide and violence among the tribes before Europeans arrived on the continent, the same genocide and violence that has afflicted humans throughout their history. He also forgets to mention that the first Thanksgiving happened more than 150 years before there was an America, and there’s no acknowledgement that some Cherokees owned black slaves.

But never mind. He’s on a roll.

“That genocide and violence is still on the menu, as state-sponsored violence against native and black Americans is commonplace, and violent, private white supremacy is celebrated and subsidized,” Ross continued, seamlessly moving on to a wild claim that “from Ahmaud Arbery to Trayvon Martin, white Americans are still killing native and black Americans with no fear of reprisal.”

“They brought chattel slavery to Africans and Native people that still happens through the prison-industrial complex that imprisons the descendants of enslaved Africans and natives at far disparate numbers. That is the reality of Thanksgiving.”

Ross’ venom, which is always good for a grift, will poison the holiday for a few MSNBC viewers, who will wear their white guilt like a hairshirt (and proudly). Dare we say that’s what they deserve for tuning in to the most anti-American, hate-filled network in the country and soaking up all that antipathy?

The rest of us, though, will celebrate by giving thanks that we live in a nation that has provided more opportunities than any other; that has assimilated more peoples and cultures than any other; that isn’t perfect but is the last, best hope for humanity because no other country has been founded on liberty and the pursuit of equality, however flawed that process has been. Not a single one of us will celebrate whatever atrocities were committed, nor will we spend another second thinking about MSNBC and its odious hosts and guests.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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  • This is the same twisted history that has been taught in our public schools for at least 20 years, i.e. the most notable thing about Washington,Jefferson and other patriots was they owned slaves was the answer from 4 high school students while studying for an AP history exam.

  • I wonder where the Left learned to hate America? It’s a rhetorical question. Look no further than the education blob.

  • “Of course, he conveniently ignores the genocide and violence among the tribes before Europeans arrived on the continent, the same genocide and violence that has afflicted humans throughout their history.”

    Thank you!

  • If you would like to see tragedy in governing, look at many tribes. Violence, theft and alarming levels of drug use/deaths. Very few tribes use the money from the government and tribal revenue streams to invest in their own communities. Instead, you have councils that live like kings and queens off the backs of their people.

  • The native Americans were primitive people who never invented the wheel or had a written language. They practiced genocide, slavery and human sacrifice and in some cases cannibalism. Compare native art of 1490 on a cave wall to Michaelango’s Pieta finishe in 1488. The cultures are apples and rocks.

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