Biden Hunter: The new face of distrust for the media? Source: Donkey Hotey, via Flickr. Licensed under Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) (

I&I/TIPP Poll: Americans’ Trust In Media Continues To Crumble


Americans’ trust in the media declined in September to its second-lowest level ever, the latest I&I/TIPP Trust in Media index shows. It’s yet another sign that mainstream news outlets, websites, blogs and other online media providers are suffering a collapse in public credibility.

I&I/TIPP Trust in Media indexes for both traditional media and alternative media dropped.

The index for traditional media edged down from 44.8 in August to 43.7 in September. It was the second-lowest level since the index was created last March. Examples of traditional media would include the Washington Post, New York Times, NPR and CNN, among other major national news outlets.

The companion index for so-called alternative media also slipped, from 41.6 in August to 40.2 in September. Examples of these media include the New York Post, Washington Times, NewsMax, The Daily Caller, RealClearPolitics and other largely non-mainstream news sources, many primarily web-based.

These data come from the I&I/TIPP poll, carried out monthly by TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, I&I’s polling partner. The online poll of 1,305 adults was taken from Sept. 1 through Sept. 3, and is part of a broad new public opinion collaboration between Issues & Insights and TIPP. The margin of error is +/- 2.8 points.

If there’s one message that once again emerges loud and clear from the data, it is that America remains sharply divided about the job the mainstream media are doing. The numbers cleave neatly along political affiliation, Once again, political affiliation was the big divide for Americans.

Among Republicans and independents, responses for the mostly liberal-left traditional media show a high level of distrust. The index for Republicans stood at 23.5, the lowest ever and nearly 10 points below the initial level measured just last March. Independents actually gained some for the month, rising from August’s 33.8 reading to 36.3.

But both show a difference from the Democrats. For the Dems, the traditional media gauge rose to 65.7 for the month, nearly three times higher than the Republican index and almost twice the level of the independents.

The Alternative Media measure is a different story. Those largely conservative and centrist outlets enjoy more support from Republicans and independents than the Traditional Media. On a percentage basis, the Alternative Media Trust stood at 25% for both groups, and the “no trust” response garnered 68% for both.

In short, when it comes to media, Americans seem more divided than ever by their choice of information sources.

Even so, what stands out most of all is the high level of absolute distrust shown by Americans toward their main media sources. Some 25% of all those responding to the poll said they had “no trust at all” in the Traditional Media complex.

That’s a significant number, one that suggests the media have abrogated their duty to keep bias out of their news feeds. For Democrats, only 6% said they have “no trust” in Traditional Media. But 23% total for members of that party said they had “little trust.”

One other troubling element lying behind the media’s dismal regard in the public eye: race.

White Americans are far less likely than Blacks and Hispanics to show trust in the media. While just 36% of Whites said they trusted the media, a whopping 58% said they didn’t. Meanwhile, 49% of Blacks and Hispanics, taken together, said they trusted the big media outlets, while 45% said they didn’t.

Disgruntlement with the media was a regional phenomenon, too. The Northeast (48%), Midwest (62%), South (55%) and West (47%) all showed significant distrust of the big media that feed us information daily.

Those looking for reasons behind this high level of distrust need look no further than recent news events that either were under-covered by the media or intentionally distorted. Examples abound.

In California, GOP gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder was smeared as the “black face of white supremacy” by the L.A. Times, an overtly racist commentary by the state’s most powerful newspaper, which largely served as a cheerleader for the dysfunctional state’s leaders during the recent recall campaign.

Meanwhile, national newspapers couldn’t be bothered to cover the blockbuster revelations about Hunter Biden’s apparent attempt to extort cash in his father’s name from the Ukraine, China and even, most recently, Libya.

“The Hunter Biden email cover-up may not be the most contemptible example of the modern political media’s corruption, but it is probably the most demonstrable,” wrote David Hasanyi in the New York Post.

Those who see an increasing unholy alliance between the Democratic Party and big media have some reason to be concerned: The recent “infrastructure” bill includes significant subsidies to new media, likely an unconstitutional breech of our nation’s traditional federal non-interference with First Amendment rights.

All in all, a glum picture of growing distrust for our nation’s media.

In the coming weeks and months, I&I/TIPP will continue to cull more data from polls in the on topics of interest to all Americans. TIPP has the distinction of being the most accurate pollster for the past five presidential elections.

Terry Jones is an editor of Issues & Insights, with four decades of journalism experience including serving as the editorial page editor for Investor’s Business Daily.

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Terry Jones

Terry Jones was part of Investor's Business Daily from its inception in 1983, working in a variety of posts, including reporter, economics correspondent, National Issues editor and economics editor. Most recently, from 1996 to 2019, he served as associate editor of the newspaper and deputy editor and editor of IBD's Issues & Insights. His many media appearances include spots on the Larry Kudlow, Bill O’Reilly, Dennis Miller, Dennis Prager, Michael Medved and Glenn Beck shows. He also served as Free Markets columnist for Townhall Magazine, and as a weekly guest on PJTV’s The Front Page. He holds both bachelor's and master's degrees from UCLA, and is an Abraham Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute


    • Untrue and naive. The media creates and maintains their own viewpoint on issues, whether real or made up. Who is the driving force behind such news manipulations? If you guess Soros or the liberal party in general, you would be on the right track.

  • It is not only the media(D) that anyone with an IQ above single digits distrusts and has absolutely NO faith in but rather with the current crop of useless bureaucrats and marxist dem politicians and the complete distrust of our institutions (DOJ, FBI, CIA ), “Higher Learning” (that is the biggest joke of all). The entire government is rotten to it’s core!

  • “…continues to crumble”? I haven’t even trusted “conservative” FNC since pre-Obama! They are all lying Globalist Leftist propagandists.

  • As Rush dubbed it, the drive-by media has only itself to blame for these results. Being an arm of the Democrat Party and engaging in fake news and propaganda is not the way to win hearts and minds.

  • Excuse me if I take no credence from an organization a year old. Media approval in this country is under 10% and everybody knows it. They only thing lower is approval or our Government which is below 5%. Remember folks, we kicked out King George who was at 33%. You people make me laugh.

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