Electoral College votes by state, 2012-2020. Graphic: SeL, licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

Blue States Losing Congressional/Electoral Votes After 2020 Census Count


Excerpt provided by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. Sign up to receive a free subscription to the full weekday Unleash Prosperity Hotline newsletter by clicking here: https://committeetounleashprosperity.com/hotline/

A constant theme of these pages is the meltdown of blue state America. Progressivism is inciting a continual outmigration from blue states to red states – at a pace of thousands per day.

Although the official Census tallies from last year are still not finalized (due to COVID) right now it appears that seven or eight seats will change hands from one state to another. The big winner once again will be Texas, with a gain of three seats. Florida could gain two more. Other states that could gain seats include North Carolina, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, and Oregon. Only Oregon and Colorado are blue states.

New York will again be the big loser with its expected loss of two seats. Amazingly, for the first time EVER, California, which had previously seen massive population gains, could lose a house seat and an electoral vote. (Politicians really have to try to make people LEAVE California.) Alabama, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and West Virginia could each lose a seat.

We went back and looked at the trends over the last 50 years. With a few exceptions, like California, the blue states of the northeast and Midwest have been in steady deterioration, and the economically-laissez-faire states of the south and sunbelt are booming.

Progressivism has been a death sentence for states, so why do we want to take these failed policies national?

Big Oil Says to the Pols: Tax Us Please

The American Petroleum Institute (API) — a trade association representing the oil and gas industry — has surrendered unconditionally to the demands of radical environmentalists by coming out in favor of a carbon/energy tax.

This may seem at first brush to be extremely public spirited of them and/or an incredible political blunder. It’s neither.

As Tom Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance, notes: the tax will hit the “small energy producers and consumers” more than the major oil companies, who are better able to absorb the higher costs. Big Oil, as the left calls them, views this tax as a way to knee-cap their smaller competitors. (It’s why all the big health insurance companies signed on to ObamaCare.)

Our view is the big energy corporations are being naïve in the extreme to believe they can play nice with the left. They think that by accepting an energy tax, the left will release its regulatory grip on the industry.

Fat chance. The greens who now run the Democratic party want to abolish ALL fossil fuels and send us back to the stone age. API’s decision makes as much sense as the NFL owners agreeing to abolish all football by, say, 2030.

To know more about:

  • Unemployment Is a Blue State Problem
  • Manchin Family Cashes in on Biden
  • California, Oregon, and Maryland: Still Won’t Open Schools
  • And more . . .

click here: https://committeetounleashprosperity.com/hotline

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The Committee to Unleash Prosperity

1 comment

  • Gee. No mention of retirees moving to warmer states. Wouldn’t want to lose the right-wing propaganda opportunity.

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