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So Much Winning: Trump Outscored Obama On Five Key Metrics — Pollster


Given all the predictions that President Donald Trump would lead the ruination of the U.S., and despite the 24/7 attacks hurled at him from all quarters, Trump got stronger marks than Barack Obama on all but two of seven key metrics that IBD/TIPP has been following for 20 years.

Raghavan Mayur, the president of TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, which runs the IBD/TIPP poll, explains it all on his new site:

Although often ignored by the mainstream press, the Investor’s Business Daily-sponsored IBD/TIPP poll has proven to be the most accurate in the past five presidential elections. And since 2001, IBD/TIPP has been taking the public’s pulse seven topics to gauge the state of the nation: direction of the country; economic optimism; presidential leadership; standing in the world; quality of life; morals and ethics; and national outlook.

The indexes provide a unique view into how the nation judges each president, and after two decades IBD/TIPP now has a wealth of data.

TechnoMetrica president Raghavan Mayur says that “to condense the indexes and compare, for each president, we have taken the average of the monthly readings for their terms.”

The surprising finding: the much-hated Trump outscored the sainted Obama on all but two of these measures. (Scores above 50 are positive, below 50 are negative.)

  • On the direction of the country, Obama scored an average 37, while Trump scored 42.1.
  • On quality of life, Obama scored 53.7, while Trump scored 58.5.
  • On economic optimism, Obama scored 46.7, while Trump scored 53.1.
  • On the national outlook, it was Obama 44 to Trump 45.1
  • Even on the topic of U.S. standing in the world, the public was slightly happier under Trump than under Obama, giving Trump a 43.8 to Obama’s 42.6.

Trump did worse on two measures – morals and ethics and presidential leadership. But even there, Obama did almost as poorly as Trump. On morals and ethics – which ask people how they feel about the direction of the country regarding these – Obama scored just 34.8, while Trump came in at 30.2.

On the presidential leadership index, Obama got a 49.2 while Trump got 43.2.

So why did Obama win reelection and Trump lost? We’d argue that had it not been for COVID, Trump would still be in the White House, and Democrats would still be rioting over a stolen election.

In any case, be sure to check out TippInsights for more on this – including how George W. Bush fares – as well as insights from other TIPP polls at

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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1 comment

  • Amazing that people’s perception of Trump was so positive despite the leftist monopoly of the news media and social media.

    A couple of comments though.

    Social media companies (Google, Facebook, Twitter, et al) are in undeniable violation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act of 1890 and if the Department of Justice was not 100% corrupt from top to bottom these companies would have been prosecuted, restructured and their power neutered permanently.

    And speaking of 100% corruption, Trump won.

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