If No Partition (Yet), What’s Plan B? A ‘Shadow’ Trump Presidency


Yes, by all means, continue the court battles. Step up the investigations.

But understand, rubber band – with the Electoral College’s vote, the Great Reign Robbery of 2020 is a done deal. And the union is essentially dissolved with the corrupt Democratocracy’s brazen withdrawal of America’s core premise: the consent of the governed.

Momentum is growing for the logical next step: a New America Opt-Out potentially led by the 18 states officially on record, in Texas’ Supreme Court case, as declaring the presidency stolen. 

Yet facing facts again: the unavoidable Red-Blue Partition will likely take time – especially given certain, raw intimidation by the Ruling Class, Cancel Culture and media. (“You racists!”)

Meaning a Plan B is needed. The good news: your correspondent is, as always, at the ready – and looking to our United Kingdom cousins for a variation on the concept of the Shadow Cabinet.

Here’s the gist: Donald Trump remains the rightfully elected president. So he should act like it – by forming a private-sector Shadow Presidency designed not just to protect his legacy from Joe Biden’s illegitimate administration, but also to advance his outstanding second-term agenda.

The Shadow Presidency will need a formal structure: perhaps a souped-up version of a 2024 campaign. A think tank ( “Keep America Great Foundation”). Or simply an “Office of President Trump,” a higher-level version of the “Office of Barack and Michelle Obama” established to manage people-to-people communications and appearances.

What’s important is, like its UK counterpart, installing serious leaders – the kind normally selected for a Cabinet – running serious policy arms “shadowing” departments and agencies. With Trump in a quasi-presidential, “bully pulpit” role (a term somehow uniquely suited to him).

What kind of serious leaders? Mayhap loyalist former Cabinet-level officials, possibly splitting their time with the organization and money-making day jobs on the side. 

Departing officers not wanting to play along could be replaced with other, qualified Trump supporters – Pam Bondi as Shadow Attorney General or Scott Atlas as Shadow HHS boss/COVID Czar? Business leaders modeling how functions wrongly usurped by the feds can be returned to the private sector. Or former and even current state officials who feel the same way about the decimation of federalism or congressional/senatorial issue specialists (currently serving ones without compensation, of course). 

Moreover, the Shadow Administration would provide a valuable parking place for Trump White House and agency staff. A scandal of the post-Dubya years was the utter abandonment of dedicated Republican team members who couldn’t buy a job within 100 miles of the Beltway. A well-funded effort (Sheldon Adelson and Robert Mercer, call your offices) could keep these key players gainfully in the game. 

And the game would be to formulate, generate and promote serious policy positions, legislative proposals and real private-sector initiatives advancing the second-term Trump agenda and hobbling the semi-socialist, identity politics-obsessed Bidenites. Such as:

  • Developing and publishing the long-promised second-stage tax reform and additional regulatory relief measures to “Create 10 Million New Jobs in 10 Months” and “1 Million New Small Businesses.” 
  • A small-to-mid-sized-business-led lobbying effort to “Bring Back 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs from China” through generous tax credits and deductions for repatriated sourcing.
  • Uniting business leaders and friendly politicians at home and abroad behind “Fair Trade Deals that Protect American Jobs.”
  • Countering Biden’s discount Green New Deal with far-reaching energy deregulatory proposals, alongside a truth campaign exposing the unreliability, costs and higher life-cycle emissions associated with “renewables.” 
  • A victory lap on Trump’s promise to “Develop a Vaccine by The End Of 2020,” along with more truth-telling about state-level mismanagement of COVID and an alternative course-of-action to “Return to Normal in 2021.”
  • Letting the air out of Medicare for All by stepping up Trump’s battle against insurance companies and Big Pharma (including Pfizer and Moderna, who helped steal the election by withholding news about vaccine breakthroughs Trump personally facilitated), empowering doctors and health consumers.
  • A grassroots push to “Provide School Choice to Every Child in America,” building on the outrage generated by unscientific COVID shutdowns demanded by out-of-touch teachers unions.
  • Swamp-draining together with GOP governors and state legislators demanding that revenue sources and programmatic control be diverted from Washington. (Where in the Constitution does it say Creatures from the Potomac Lagoon should run health care and education?)
  • A new private-sector fundraising, land-buying effort to Build the Wall and border-state movement countering federal non-enforcement of immigration laws.
  • And of course, continuing Trump’s “America First Foreign Policy” – starting with another victory tour around the Middle East shoring up Trump’s historic accomplishments there and preventing certain Biden efforts to return to a pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel posture and appease the mullahs.

Along with public and private meetings and formal policy statements like those of an actual president, only issued from the Shadow White House at Mar-a-Lago, still-President Trump has three mighty levers to continue to push hard.

First, leverage the a near-record 227 Article III federal judges he got confirmed by suing, suing and suing some more to stop every Biden bill, executive order, departmental directive – heck, when “fake 46” as much as blows his nose. Just as liberals have done.

Second, rallies. Wall-to-wall, in every red state, opposing leftish efforts to undo his accomplishments and supporting primary challenges to recalcitrant RINOs – not to mention showing his continuing base of support in contrast to Sleepy Joe’s imaginary 80 million voters.

And of course, his signature tweets. Days, nights, weekends and holidays. On any and every issue. Wielded, as always, to keep the Biden Bunch continuously off-balance and on the defensive.

The preference here remains for the true President-Re-Elect to retain his chief executive position by leading the effort to formalize New America’s separation from blue-state thieves and despots. But a Shadow Presidency is a potentially potent transitional Plan B – and at the very least, an aggressive means of protecting a powerful legacy, keeping his team assembled, and setting the stage for 2024.

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Bob Maistros

Bob Maistros, a messaging and communications strategist and crisis specialist, is of counsel with Strategic Action Public Affairs, and was chief writer for the Reagan-Bush ’84 campaign, three U.S. Senators, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. He can be reached at bob@rpmexecutive.com.


  • There is nothing in the constitution to prevent the existence of an interstate compact formed for the purpose of protecting and preserving the constitution. I would include red states and the red counties within blue states within such an organization. The agenda proposed above would be an excellent start. It could elaborate such proposals into legislative language such that bills would be ready to be introduced on January 21, 2025.
    Other activity of the proposed semi-confederation would include:
    (1) frustrating the unconstitutional actions of the Biden-Harris regime;
    (2) preparing for the 2022 and 2024 elections, including taking actions to prevent election theft.

    • rmaistros – Bob Maistros, a messaging and communications strategist and crisis specialist, is of counsel with Strategic Action Public Affairs, and was chief writer for the Reagan-Bush ’84 campaign and three U.S. Senators. He has his own new blog, conservativemaestro.com. Bob can be reached at bob@rpmexecutive.com. The views expressed in this piece are his own.
      Robert Maistros says:

      Could not agree more. This commentator has long maintained that federal healthcare and welfare programs in particular could be devolved to interstate compacts. But then that should actually be done w 90% of government.

  • If President Trump’s victory is not reinstated, he and anyone and everyone who contemplates a “shadow” government will be arrested and charged with treason and sedition.

    Look what they did with impeachment and they only controlled the House. If they control the government as well as law enforcement and intel, you will see political prisons and even the death penalty.

    Anyone care to dispute that?

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