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Media Lie When They Try To Sell Kamala Harris As A ‘Moderate’


Joe Biden won his nomination by taking the primary votes of rank-and-file Democrats wrongly convinced he was a “moderate” among the motley assemblage of socialists, so-called progressives and hard-left remnants from the ’60s and ’70s he ran against. Biden isn’t a moderate. The media only said he was. Now the media are trying the same trick with Kamala Harris. Don’t believe the lie.

The press is already in full dissembling mode regarding where Harris sits on the political spectrum.

The Washington Post took the cake for chutzpah, tweeting its opinion that “Harris is a small-c conservative, party-friendly pick — which makes her just right for Biden.”

The New York Times, no slouch itself in the leftist department, dubbed Harris a “pragmatic moderate.”

Meanwhile, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos claimed the California senator “comes from the middle-of-the-road, moderate wing of the Democratic Party.”

Meanwhile, both the Los Angeles Times and Associated Press used the more wishy-washy term “centrist” to describe Harris’ ideological turn.

These are not mere differences of opinion or analysis of where Harris stands on the issues, and the writers know that. No, they are flat-out lies by journalists who have abandoned all pretense of objectivity, fairness or factuality.

We’ve talked about her left-wing proclivities both here and here. Don’t take our word for it. Here’s what former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau had to say about Harris’ supposed moderation:

“It was hilarious to me that she’s being called, in all this coverage, a ‘moderate,’ like Joe Biden has found a fellow moderate or centrist,” he said. “She supports something extremely close to ‘Medicare for All,’ which Bernie Sanders acknowledged in his statement supporting her. She’s for the Green New Deal. She has one of the most liberal records in the U.S. Senate.”

Say what you will about Favreau, but he’s dead on in his description. Americans shouldn’t be deceived.

Harris, by her own expressed policy preferences and by objective measurement of her voting record, is easily one of the most far-left vice presidential candidates ever. And she’s the most left-leaning senator in the Senate.

That’s a fact.

GovTrack, the nonpartisan web site that gauges where members of the House and Senate stand ideologically based on their votes, called Harris “the most left-leaning senator in 2019, one spot above even Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)” For the record, Sanders is a proud, self-avowed socialist.

Put another way, her score for conservatism was a perfect zero — she doesn’t have a conservative bone in her body.

Most people don’t care who is vice president, to be truthful. Few would even be able to tell you who Hillary Clinton’s running was (for the record, it was squishy leftist Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia). Heck, many people might have trouble telling you who the current veep is.

But this time knowing who the vice president might be is very important.

If Biden wins, Harris could very well take the reins of the presidency without the benefit of a direct vote. The 77-year-old Biden’s questionable mental health and obvious aging issues might lead to him leave office before his first term is up. Or he might be pushed out by Democratic Party insiders using the 25th Amendment.

Putting Harris in the White House would give us a president even further to the left than President Barack Obama, who hid his leftism by deft manipulation of the compliant, even docile, mainstream media which pretended he wasn’t what he was.

People need to know all this, especially since the press seems disinclined to tell them. Big media will lie routinely to make you believe your vote for Harris is a moderate, rational choice.

Whether in the U.S. or abroad, socialist and so-called “progressive” polices have never worked. They’ve only created misery, poverty and despair, while robbing people of their wealth, initiative, individuality and freedom,

Leftists policies, premised on government control and individual loss of freedom, work fast to destroy once-thriving economies. Just look at the mess in blue states such as California, New York, Illinois, Michigan and Washington, where far-left leaders are systematically destroying prosperous city and state economies by imposing insane left-wing policies.

Now imagine such extreme leftists in the White House, with their party in control of both legislative houses. It’s not a comforting idea, is it? So next time you see or hear a big media outlet touting Harris’ supposed bona fides as a moderate, you’d be wise to take rap group Public Enemy’s advice: “Don’t Believe the Hype.”

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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  • Utter nonsense. The GOP under Nixon gave us the EPA, OSHA, the Clean Air and Water Acts, the Privacy Act, wage and price controls, diplomatic relations with Communist CHina, the Endangered Species Act, SSI, desegregation of public schools enforced by Nixon’s DOJ, gender desegregation of the service academies. Senator Harris isn’t far left; the Republican Party has dropped off the right end of the world.

  • I don’t think you can peg either one to any specific ideology, let alone specific positions. They are two empty vessels ready and willing (if barely able) to do the bidding of their handlers and of course donors. They will say whatever needs to be said at any particular point in time to any particular grievance group they are addressing.

    The ideas they are espousing lately can certainly be characterized as radical, but these are positions are based on the current perceptions of the DNC machine as this is what they believe it will take to defect Trump. Fortunately for America, the Twitterarti are not reflective of Main st.

    November is going to bring yet another unpleasant surprise to the party of pandering.

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