LBJ Library photo by Jay Godwin.

Anti-Trump Republicans Endorse An Increasingly Leftist Joe Biden


I&I Editorial

President Donald Trump causes people to do the strangest things, but none is as strange as the growing determination by some Republicans to get Joe Biden elected in November, even as Biden moves further and further leftward.

We aren’t the only ones who’ve noticed that, while the country is fixated on the coronavirus panic-demic and race riots, Biden’s agenda has shifted sharply to the socialist side of the spectrum.

FiveThirtyEight noted a few weeks ago that “The Pandemic Has Pushed Biden To The Left. How Far Will He Go?”

Around the same time, New York magazine reported that “Biden Is Planning an FDR-Size Presidency.”

One Democratic consultant told The Hill that Biden has moved to the left on issues such as bankruptcy policy and college affordability, and that a Biden win, along with Democrats regaining control of the Senate, “could lead to a New Deal era of progressive policies.”

MarketWatch recently said Biden is proposing a “radical tax plan” that “goes after the indolent rich.”

Then there is Biden’s joining up with Sen. Bernie Sanders to create “task forces” on various issues. Biden named socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for example, as co-chair of the task force on climate change, and his health care task force is made up of single-payer advocates such as Medicare-for-All champion Rep. Pramila Jayapal

“Those task forces are a who’s who of the progressive elite – and signal that Biden is going to run for the White House on a platform that is further to the left than any Democrat in history,” noted Sally Pipes of the Pacific Research Institute.

The leftist group summed it all up by proclaiming that Biden represents the “most progressive platform in Democratic Party history.” 

Yet, even as Biden makes his decisive move to the left, Trump Derangement Syndrome is driving an increasing number of Republicans to publicly endorse him for president.

The latest is the super PAC called “43 Alumni for Biden” – 43 referring to President George W. Bush, the 43rd president.

John Farner, one of 43’s founders, says that the group’s “goal is to do whatever we can to elect Joe Biden as president.”

The there’s Republican Voters Against Trump, a group led by never-Trumper Bill Kristol, and the Lincoln Project, which aims not only to elect Biden, but hand him a Democratically controlled Senate as well.

Why? Well, the thinking is that Trump is such a disgrace for Republicans that only a decisive Biden win can expunge his stain from the party.

The Lincoln Project’s Steve Schmidt says that “The analogy would be in the same way that fire purifies the forest, it needs to be burned to the ground and fundamentally repudiated.”

Not to be overly dramatic, but this is sheer lunacy. Whatever his faults – and they are many – Trump has run one of, if not the, most conservative administrations, including Ronald Reagan’s. From the military buildup to supply-side tax cuts and deregulation, to judicial nominees, to immigration policies and education reform, he’s made a lasting difference on issues these never-Trump Republicans supposedly hold dear. And while he can be and often is his own worst enemy, Trump has been the victim of the most vicious, sustained smear campaign ever mounted by the liberal establishment.

If these never-Trumpers succeed, they will not only have justified the left’s scorched earth political strategy, they will have handed over the White House and Congress to an increasingly radicalized Democratic Party. There will be a fire all right. And it will burn everything conservatives believe in.

Even if a supposedly purified Republican Party were to win a national election again somewhere down the road, there wouldn’t be anything left to build on.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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  • Looks like the voters made the right choice when we elected Trump. For years we went along with the GOPe, now thankfully they have shown themselves to be the RINO’s we always knew they were. It has been great to purge them from the party. After Trump and the way we have been treated by the GOPe, I will be hard pressed to vote for any Republican again. The GOPe treats us the same way the left takes for granted the Black voters.
    I know of no one who voted for Trump last time who is not voting for him this time, I do know more than one Hilary voter is now voting for Trump.

      • The elite – both Dem and GOPe – are all about their elite status. That is why they focus on appearances. Not results.

        Trump’s policy record, OTOH, is about actual, substantial expansions of individual liberty.

        The “all about himself” attitude is the same attitude he has always used to promote what he does … because it cuts through the Establishment snobbery and gets the message out to the people, especially in his current position. It cuts through, in large part, by provoking the elites to expose just how not-so-elite that they are.

        See Al Czverik vs. Judge Smails in “Caddyshack”.

  • You act like they care. Just like the democrats, destroy Donald Trump. Nothing else matters. Orange Man Bad. Any damage done to get him is justified. And like the democrats, they’ll pay severely for their destruction.

  • Does it matter if they know how far left Biden is and is willing to go in an attempt to win the Presidency?
    They have to know that Trump may be imperfect but those propping up Biden are INSANE and want to destroy this country.

  • When the Progressive/Democrats allowed a registered Socialist, Bernie Sanders, onto the Democrat Bus, they all move left trying to out-socialize a Socialist.

  • Do you think the RINOs really care? They are electing the “machine” that is the DC swamp. They know Biden, just like Obama, never really held the controls. Obama was a frontman…a suit….that`s why Trump was elected.

    People forget that for the 1st time in modern history a non-politician was elected president. That is the most remarkable statement one could make after 8 years of a failed Obama/ Biden policy.

    • Absolutely, the career politicians are professional politicians, meaning they’re essentially mercenaries, in it for benefits rather than actually having any commitment to the country and its people.
      I think Kristol said he didn’t have a problem with Trump’s policies, it was Trump he has a problem with.
      These people aren’t committed to a cause.
      If they burn down the Republican Party, the party will be gone and the country with it.

    • Let’s not forget that the Lincoln project members are the same RINO’s that lay down for the Demoncrats year after year.

  • Should not pretend that “Never Trumpers” are standing on any principles other than their own egos.

  • Assuming “they” destroy the GOP, do they really think they’ll be in control of the new GOP? Do they think the people who elected Trump and gave him the House and Senate are just going to go off somewhere & talk about guns and religion and stay out of their way? If they want endless wars and unlimited immigration , let them form their own party or beg the Dems for acceptance. Hint: Even if they do accept you, you’ll still be 2nd or 3rd class and your opinions will still not be listened to.

    • We trusted the intelligence community after 9/11. That was a profound mistake. The community is drunk with power and wants to exercise a veto on a the POTUS.

  • Those who are part of the political elite are all-in invested in their elite status – financially, professionally, politically, even in terms of reputation and their own self-esteem. They have built their ENTIRE lives around being perceived as the elite.

    That is why they hate Donald Trump.

    Trump doesn’t give even one rat’s patootie about maintaing that perceived value … and that threatens the value of their investment.

    He instead focuses on policies that expand on individual liberty. And every expansion of our liberty he brings about (in energy policy, in regulatory reform, in the judiciary, in the economy), calls into question the perceived value of their investment …

    … for it depends upon US needing THEM.

  • “…there will be a fire all right. And it will burn everything conservatives believe in.”

    Uh, there are already plenty of fires. Real ones, not just beliefs. We’ve been pretty laissez-faire on the assault on our beliefs for the past 50 years, but when they come for our families, houses and businesses and actually burn them, that makes it a quite a different fight.

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