Coronavirus Unmasks The Worst People In The World


I&I Editorial

There are no benefits to the COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s get that out of the way now. But it has shown many what a few of us already knew: The political left is filled with the worst people in the world.

Crises, we’ve been told, bring out the best in us. And often that’s true. We’ve seen this in our current situation. Some companies are donating protective masks and ventilators. Neighbors are offering help to each other. Major league sports professionals are providing financial support to workers who don’t have jobs to go to because games have been canceled. At least one grocery chain is donating as many as 6 million meals to those who have been hurt by the pandemic.

We’re also seeing just how low some can go:

  • The Democratic leadership in Washington, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and New York Sen. Charles Schumer, is using the pandemic to try to further a “far-left agenda that has nothing whatsoever to do with the coronavirus pandemic.” Some of the items on the progressive dream list: gifts to unions, expanded wind and solar tax credits, and a $15 federal minimum wage.
  • The propaganda ministry of the Democratic Party, manned by the majority of today’s “journalists,” wants to block live broadcasts of President Donald Trump’s daily media briefings from public view so it can manipulate the narrative, misrepresent what he said, and wallow in its Trump Derangement Syndrome.
  • South Carolina Democrat and House Majority Whip James Clyburn considers the pandemic “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” He sees, no doubt, political society crushing civil society.
  • The media have also tried to cripple Trump by attacking his use of “Chinese virus” even though they had liberally used the same phrase earlier.
  • Fanatics who hate the freedom provided by automobiles are using “this time of panic to permanently seize some city streets and close them to motor vehicles.”
  • Activists have used the outbreak to gin up support for forcing Americans into a socialist health care regime.
  • Pelosi’s daughter apparently thinks that now is the time to publicly wish ill of a political opponent. It seems she wants COVID-19 to do what Sen. Rand Paul’s next-door-neighbor couldn’t in his 2017 blindside attack on the lawmaker — finish him.

When the crisis is over, let’s not forget those who showed how loathsome they really are.

— Written by J. Frank Bullitt

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  • Wow, your RULES for COMMENTING sound like you’re on the same POWER TRIP that Democrats are on. Guess MINE isn’t going to make the CUT.

  • I came to this conclusion some time ago. For me, the realization came with the clearly orchestrated campaign that led to the resignation of Mr. Richard V. Allen from the initial staff appointments by President Ronald Reagan. The leftist media revealed themselves for what they had long since become. Once you see the strings, you always know that what you are watching or hearing is a puppet show.


  • Mass transit is a brilliant progressive idea. One infected passenger gets on a bus or subway car and 20 infected people get off at the next stop.

  • Seems all Politicians love to spend money, but the Democrats seem giddy about it. Remember Rahm Immanual’s famous quote from the Obama days……..”never let a crises go to waste”. Boy, are the Democrats taking that to the inth degree. Lots of money in the bill that should be looked at very closely.

  • I am physically ill over this bill. The $15 minimum wage will put my special needs son out of a job. He has worked for a casual restaurant as a busboy and food server and he has worked for them for 18 years. He makes $7.50/hour, he is hard worker, and I need him to be out and doing something. He will be the first they let go because he doesn’t need the money, he needs to be useful. Even having him home full time right now has him at a loss. Some people fill a role that is necessary and they will never be able to advance. People call them entry level jobs but for him, it is where he thrives.

  • I’m a believer in Karmic Justice. Everything and everyone’s actions impact the greater good of all involved regardless of much or how little they may be involved. The left, particularly Pelosi and Schumer have taken a selfish stance to promote their politics. They really have no pride in this nation, it’s citizens or themselves. They want everyone to suffer for their narrative and agenda. Our previous president was a lot like that. Then Karma gave us President Trump and the left has been in a constant state of disarray over it. I also believe that Karma is not finished with the left by any means.What we need to do is help Karma along any way possible.

    • Thomas McArdle @MacArdghail – Tom McArdle @MacArdghail, longtime Senior Writer for Investor's Business Daily, was a White House Speechwriter for President George W. Bush, National Political Reporter for Washington political columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, Managing Editor of Human Events, and has worked as a writer for CNN and the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. His work has appeared in National Review, the American Spectator, The Hill, the Washington Examiner, Newsmax, and the National Catholic Register. He has appeared on Fox News and numerous talk radio programs. He is a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, M. Stanton Evans' National Journalism Center in Washington, Cardinal Hayes High School in the Bronx, and at 17 was one of Curtis Sliwa's original "Magnificent 13" Guardian Angels.
      Thomas McArdle says:

      Maybe even help karma instantly.

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