Animal Rights Extremist Attacks Kamala Harris, Moderator Blames Trump


A scruffy, hippie-ish animal rights demonstrator with long beard, long hair in a bun, and blue jeans leapt onto the stage and grabbed the mike from Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris during’s “Big Ideas Forum” in San Francisco on Saturday, before being shuffled away by security.

If you were the left-wing Democratic Party operative moderating the event, you would think, “too bad it wasn’t a right winger wearing a MAGA hat. We could blame it on Trump!” Right?

Wrong. It’s still Trump’s fault!

On Monday, ex-Obama campaign aide Karine Jean-Pierre, senior adviser to on its strategy to prevent Donald Trump’s re-election and a lecturer in international affairs at Columbia University to boot, took to her MSNBC perch and described the scene over which she was presiding.

“We’re talking about the gender gap, right? Race and the gender gap. That is her big idea,” she said of Harris’s topic of discussion. “And a white man with all of his privilege comes on stage and steps into our personal space … it is something that women in general have to deal with every day. And it’s a conversation that we need to be having.”

Someone might want to have a conversation about how often privileged white men jump onto stages to disrupt political events conducted by women, if the police keep such statistics.

For Jean-Pierre, the assailant wasn’t adopting the tactics of the violent left, and this wasn’t an opportunity to discourage any Move On supporters from thinking about using physical force themselves. He was just being a privileged white male. In the case of this particular privileged white male, though, he was acting on behalf of Direct Action Everywhere, whose whiteness has more to do with the color of milk than of skin. The group is accusing socialist Bernie Sanders and socialistic Elizabeth Warren of being in the pocket of the dairy industry.

But as far as Move On is concerned, Trump sent him.

The Donald Incarnate

“This is the time that we live in,” Jean-Pierre added. “I want to be clear, you know: racism, sexism, misogyny, all of that, homophobia, xenophobia, we connect it to Donald Trump, but it existed before Donald Trump. And what he has done, he has, you know, exasperated it for his own self-interest, and to move his political whatever-he-wants out of it, including the presidency clearly. And it is something that we have lived with for so long.”

There’s more. Believe it or not, that animal rights crazy was jeopardizing Roe v. Wade.

“You think about the fight with abortion rights that’s happening,” she said, “how women could potentially be losing their rights to what they want to do with their body.”

The intruder was acting out Donald Trump’s racism too. As well as the rest of his right-wing vices:

“You think about, you know, Charlottesville, what happened, what this President said,” according to Jean-Pierre. “You think about all of the stuff that’s happened with the LGBTQ community, the Muslim community, the immigrant community. It is a scary time. You know, they have folks on the front lines, marginalized communities who are really, really scared. And I feel like for people this embodied all of that.”

In the world of the left, which will become America’s world if the left is allowed into power long enough, the individual has no personal responsibility. A left-wing extremist storming a stage, where a Democrat who’s not far enough left for him is speaking, is to be blamed on the right. The enlightened among us accept the newthink truth of human beings unwillfully possessing pre-existing guilt based on the race or class or sex or predilection to which we belong.

‘To Say Black Is White When Party Discipline Demands This’

What’s minister of information is doing was described eloquently by Orwell in 1984 as “blackwhite,” the “loyal willingness to say black is white when party discipline demands this” as well as “the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know black is white, and forget that one has ever believed the contrary.”

In a slightly different version it is also described in 1984’s dystopia as “doublethink.”

Doublethink is: “To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully-constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them …”

How else can it be a conservative Republican President’s fault when an animal nut attacks someone, except by practicing Orwell’s doublethink? To “use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy…”

Most people think a criminal should be restrained, tried and locked up because of his own actions. Move On’s leader didn’t see a violent agitator. She saw “a white man with all of his privilege” – the very definition of prejudice. Nothing could be more un-American.

As comically absurd as her remarks may be, they should serve as a serious warning: your individual good deeds or transgressions will not matter to a state in which the left rules. You will be sentenced based on who and what your rulers decide you are.

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Thomas McArdle

Tom McArdle @MacArdghail, longtime Senior Writer for Investor's Business Daily, was a White House Speechwriter for President George W. Bush, National Political Reporter for Washington political columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, Managing Editor of Human Events, and has worked as a writer for CNN and the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. His work has appeared in National Review, the American Spectator, The Hill, the Washington Examiner, Newsmax, and the National Catholic Register. He has appeared on Fox News and numerous talk radio programs. He is a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, M. Stanton Evans' National Journalism Center in Washington, Cardinal Hayes High School in the Bronx, and at 17 was one of Curtis Sliwa's original "Magnificent 13" Guardian Angels.


  • What’s telling here; even if liberal utopia was achieved there will be no peace. Look at South Africa or California and the near one Party one political culture rules. China and the Soviet, same pattern.

    They still rail on about the “KKK”? Do they have 1000 members living in various basements across the country?

    There is no moral introspection left in the democrats culture or the media shills that promote it.

  • When someone suggests a conversation, let’s get in the habit of debating ‘define conversation.’ To anyone in that room conversation happens when they talk and we listen. They also believe that compromise happens when they demand and we capitulate.

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