Another Democratic Scheme To Establish Absolute Political Power


Democrats don’t support open borders for humanitarian reasons. They want the lines erased because they see every illegal alien as a likely Democratic voter crucial to their political power grab. But there’s another reason: They want to increase the populations of Democratic states to boost their representation in Congress and the Electoral College.

Apparently it’s not enough for Democrats to have become authoritarians, they have to be corrupt, too.

Of course this is no surprise. Only the corrupt become authoritarians. Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek showed in chapter 10 of “The Road to Serfdom” why socialist systems never have decent people in charge.

“Bad men,” Hayek explained in Why the Worst Get on Top, have no inhibitions about running other peoples’ lives. It is “the unscrupulous and uninhibited,” he wrote in 1944, who “are likely to be more successful in a society tending toward totalitarianism.”

Put another way, by Dune author Frank Herbert, “​​Absolute power does not corrupt absolutely, absolute power attracts the corruptible.”

And thus we understand why the Democratic Party is overflowing with the most wretched people imaginable. It’s a party that draws in the worst among us in much the same way communism attracted the Lenins, Stalins, Maos and Castros.

The kakistocrats that captain the Democratic Party are so lacking in principle and so filled with villainy that they are using illegal aliens as pawns in their scheme to establish unopposed, unchallengeable power.

How can we know this? Because not a single Democrat voted last week in favor of an amendment from Tennessee Republican Sen. Bill Hagerty that would allow only citizens to be “counted for the purposes of allocating congressional districts and electoral votes.”

When Hagerty offered the amendment, “the Democrats just went nuts,” he said. New York Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer “threatened to shut the government down.”

According to Hagerty, the Democrats could add more than dozen House members through their scheme:

They’re basically creating sanctuary cities to be a magnet, so these people will disproportionately flow to these blue states. They’re shipping them there as rapidly as they can. Since Joe Biden came into office, the estimates are as high as ten million people that have come in here. That would be 13 extra congressional districts if you allocated them the right way. This is a tremendous amount of power that the Democrats are bringing in.

Naturally the guardians of their “democracy” will thunderously claim that those who don’t want to count illegal aliens are denying their humanity the same way representatives from the non-slave states didn’t want slaves included in population counts during the 1787 Constitutional Convention.

But walling illegals off from our electoral process does not deny their humanity. No one believes they are not humans. They are not here legally, though, meaning they are not legitimate residents of the states they live in. They are also subject to deportation, which would change the math for House seat apportionment and presidential electoral votes if they were ever expelled.

Let’s put this in terms so simple that even the shallow thinkers of the media can understand: For obvious reasons, neither visitors nor even daily commuters to New York City, Los Angeles or any other municipality in the country are allowed to vote in those cities’ elections. Neither can a Kansas resident jump the border and vote in Missouri’s elections, nor count toward that state’s population for the purposes of allocating congressional representation and presidential electors.

Of course reason and rules matter not one bit to venal politicians who crave raw power. They will violate any right, perpetuate any lie, break any rule to get what they want. This is what Democrats have become.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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  • Why are we not enforcing “Expedited Removal” where the Border Guards simply do their only job, “Refuse Entry” and replace them on the other side?

    • Because neither Biden nor Mayorkass has any interest in the security of this nation. They will not enforce the laws. They will not develop effective policy. They will undermine or ignore any existing policy that is effective. the situation is exactly they way they want it to be.

  • It is notoriously difficult to count illegal aliens who are here past their asylum hearing date. They won’t reply to mailers or answer the door for census takers either for obvious reasons. And the legal aliens harboring them won’t be easy to count anymore either, fo fear of exposing them. So the plan just might backfire as som any from the Left do.

  • The authors say, “Neither can a Kansas resident jump the border and vote in Missouri’s elections, nor count toward that state’s population for the purposes of allocating congressional representation and presidential electors.”

    It is possible that this is going on already. We have a county in the very red state where I live in which a large number of residents actually live in the neighboring state because it is so much more virtuous and comfortable. There are college students all over the place. I am pretty certain from what I have seen that some of these virtuous folks are voting in multiple states.

    Oh for the clarification that genuine, undependent and competent audits would provide!

  • Lyin’ Al Gore used to claim how racist it was to count a slave as 3/5 of a person. What he conveniently concealed was that it was the southern slave states who wanted to count them, while the north didn’t want to count them at all.

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