Issues & Insights
Violent protests erupted when Trump was inaugurated in 2016. Dems want a repeat in 2024. (Screenshot)

Democrats Plot An Insurrection To Stop ‘Insurrectionist’ Trump

Editor’s note: Google immediately slapped an “unreliable and harmful” label on this editorial and is blocking its Adsense ads from appearing on this page. Apparently, it’s not ok to call a Democrat an insurrectionist.

We’ve now reached peak Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Democrats are actually making plans to prevent Donald Trump from taking office even if he legitimately wins the election. In other words, they are plotting an insurrection to keep the man whom they claim is an insurrectionist out of the White House. Logic, common sense, the future of the country, all be damned.

How do we know this is what they are scheming? Because, as President Joe Biden’s poll numbers continue to drop, his mental and physical health rapidly deteriorate, and options to replace him on the ballot shrink, Democrats are openly talking about it.

The Colorado attorney arguing before the Supreme Court to keep Trump off that state’s ballot warned the justices that if they didn’t stop him from being elected “it could come back with a vengeance.”

An amicus brief filed by three law professors in the Colorado case warns that if the justices don’t rule on whether Trump is eligible or not to run for office under the 14th Amendment, and if Trump wins the election, “it is a virtual certainty that some members of Congress will assert his disqualification under Section 3” of the 14th Amendment.

And yes, it is a virtual certainty.

An article published in the Atlantic last week, titled “How Democrats Could Disqualify Trump If the Supreme Court Doesn’t,” begins by saying that: “Without clear guidance from the Court, House Democrats suggest that they might not certify a Trump win on Jan. 6.”

How could this happen? Well, Democrats could conceivably win back the House in November. Which means that they could refuse to certify the election results on the grounds that Trump is ineligible to serve because he’s an insurrectionist. They would, as the Atlantic puts it, “have to choose between confirming a winner many of them believe is ineligible and defying the will of voters who elected him.” (Aka, insurrection.)

Russell Berman, the author of the Atlantic piece, said that in his interviews with them, “senior House Democrats would not commit to certifying a Trump win.”

Never mind that Democrats have spent the past three years calling those Republicans who voted against certifying the 2020 election for Biden traitors and labeling those who protested Biden’s certification on Jan. 6, 2021, as insurrectionists.

And what would happen if Democrats defied voters and handed the election to Biden? Well, what do you think?

In their amicus brief, the law professors warn that neither Trump “nor his supporters, whose votes effectively will have been discarded as void, are likely to take such a declaration lying down.”

“The result,” these legal eagles say, “would invite chaos while risking great damage to the Court’s reputation and to the nation as a whole.”

That doesn’t seem to bother Democrats. Rep. Jamie Raskin told the Atlantic’s Berman “that the threat of violence could influence what Democrats do if Trump wins. But, Raskin added, it wouldn’t necessarily stop them from trying to disqualify him. ‘We might just decide that’s something we need to prepare for.’”

We have no doubt whatsoever that, should Trump win and Democrats try to defy the will of the voters in an honest election, they won’t be called insurrectionists. They will be heralded as “saviors of democracy.”

And if Trump wins and Democrats don’t try to deny him the White House, and violent protests will erupt on Capitol Hill demanding that Trump be denied a second term, these rioters won’t be called insurrectionists, either. They will be called “patriots who are trying to save the country.”

As we said, we’ve reached peak Trump Derangement Syndrome.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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  • Seems to me, that a Democrat led insurrection of the described magnitude would be as significant as the shots fired 4/12/1861 at 4:30 AM at Ft. Sumner when the same political party was pulling a similar brand of treasonous treachery. That time if was to preserve and extend the institution of slavery – this time it appears to be for the purpose of preserving and protecting the unconstitutional national dominance of the unelected 4th branch of the US Federal Govt – the AAA (alphabet acronym agencies) aka the ‘deep state’.

  • And speaking if Insurrectionists!!

    Weren’t the continued actions of Nancy Pelosi ,as former Speaker of the House, the very definition of a seditious subversive insurrectionist viciously and personally leading the charge to undermine and destroy a US President?

    Two baseless impeachments, except for Pelosi’s autocratic desire to take over the government, One Third World J6 Committee of pompous silly nincompoops, A Confederacy of Dunces, and One nasty school girl tantrum tearing up the State of the Union address for all our enemies to see on international video?

    Why is Pelosi still free, not been impeached, and her legacy not been tarred and feathered for her dangerous and vicious subversive sedition against a President?

  • I already have a supply of Orville Reddenbacher white popcorn in stock, so c’mon down.

  • Perhaps the way to successfully get Trump on the Presidential ballot is ask Google to AI his image as a person who looks like Joe Biden.
    Then legally change Trump’s name to Joe Biden.
    Joe Biden may get all the votes. That is, since the present Joe Biden is down in the polls-“Joe Biden” may get all the votes for President, but it is Trump who will win.

  • I hope I live long enough to see the Democrat ideology/party be extinguished completely. All of humanity would be better for it.

  • Not sure where Dem “members of Congress” get off by invoking 14th amendment. Even a layman such as eye know it takes the VP and cabinet members to invoke section 3. Members of congress are at the ass end of the line in the process.

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