Issues & Insights

Does Biden Even Understand Why He Wasn’t Charged?

Joe Biden, even though he did take and secrete away secret documents and such, will not be charged with any crime related to what are acts quite similar to those for which Donald Trump was charged with crimes.

In his report explaining his decision, Special Counsel Robert Hur said today that Biden was too far removed from reality for a jury to convict him of a crime.

In other words, Biden did it, Biden broke the law, but he is too mentally deficient for anyone to believe he either really did it on purpose or, after the fact, could possibly have remembered what he did, let alone pass along the information (of course, that does leave aside Hunter’s possible use of the documents but maybe that will come up in his tax case.)

The report read, in part, as follows:

“In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden’s memory was worse. He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended (‘if it was 2013 – when did I stop being Vice President?’), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began (‘in 2009, am I still Vice President?’),” Hur wrote. “He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died. And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him.”

Because of his obvious inability to think coherently, Hur wrote that a jury would merely see a  “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” rather than be able to see him as an intentionally bad-acting criminal.

Putting on my public relations hat and warping myself into the White House, I will state clearly and succinctly: The administration would have preferred Biden be charged with a crime it could fight rather than be publicly outed as non compos mentis.

“How do we pull a crooked Biden across the finish line?” is a question his team has prepared for. “How do we drag a Biden who has been called a mental basket case by his own Department of Justice across the finish line?” is not.

The same goes for the Praetorian Media, which has steadfastly assured the nation that Joe is hale and hearty and at the top of his game. That becomes more difficult now, though outlets such as the AP, which glancingly mentions the issue in paragraph 30 of a 40-graf story, are already trying. NBC is toplining Biden’s own comments about why he was forgetful:  he was dealing with Hamas.

That is not a terribly comforting defense as a president should be able to do two things at once, walk and chew gum, think about one thing, talk about another later that day.

“I didn’t change the baby because there was no gas in my car,” would be a similarly credible defense.

Hur did say that what Trump is charged with, if true, is worse, which the White House seized upon as neener-neener evidence.

Politically, this report would be catastrophic in a typical reality as it plainly states that Biden is suffering from some form of dementia … at best. 

Since the media will memory-hole this ASAP (a bit of a problem for the Biden campaign because they will under no circumstance ever again mention Trump’s document charges) it may just fade away and not play a role in the campaign but … wait, kidding – the Trump campaign will beclunk Biden over and over with it as it plays directly into a Trump talking point.

But it shouldn’t have to – Joe Biden, no matter the politics, is simply mentally incapable to be President of the United States.

It’s been clear for years but it is now in writing.

It is not a debatable question anymore.

Yet, he still may get re-elected.

No, that can’t be true … let’s ask Joe!

Thomas Buckley is the former mayor of Lake Elsinore, Cal., and a former newspaper reporter.  He is currently the operator of a small communications and planning consultancy and can be reached directly at You can read more of his work at his Substack page.

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  • We’re way, way past the point where we can expect any justice in this country.

  • Obvious his ‘handlers’ have decided on a replacement, so they’ll let the republicans do the dirty work for them. He gets to leave office as a fallen hero, (media take), and if he’s charged, it’s just mean republicans
    picking on an old man.

  • Biden has always been mentally deficient throughout his whole career. That does not absolve him from his many crimes.

  • If Biden understands why he wasn’t charged, he’s the only one.
    A. Mental condition is NOT a free pass for being charged…only effects whether you go to jail or a mental institution.
    B. Joe was NOT “demented” when he committed the crime.
    C. As VP, Joe was 100% not authorized to take docs I in the first place.
    D. Two-tired justice is 100% injustice.

  • If mentally challenged is a “get out of trial” card hundreds if not thousands of lawbreakers wil walk free

  • The bottom line of the two tier “justice” system currently in effect is Biden, in the Senate and as VP had no, nada, zero legal authority to possess any level of classified documents. DJT, as President however, had full legal authority to possess same and declassify them as he saw fit. This hardly ever gets a mention.

  • He wasn’t charged because he’s a Democrat.


    He knows this. He’s behaved as though he knows it his entire career.

  • Biden’s trembling lip regarding his deceased son Beau was a tremendous outrage to him about the Special Council and the Council’s line of questioning. Except it wasn’t the Council that brought the subject up. It was Biden. Talk about being disingenuous, Biden has a very cynical attitude regarding his son’s death.

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