Issues & Insights

Dementia And Double Standards

At an event in North Carolina last Thursday, President Joe Biden called out for a congresswoman with whom he claimed he’d just been photographed. She was, at the time, in Washington, D.C.

At an event in New Hampshire the next day, presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared to mix up Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley when talking about Jan. 6.

Guess which mental lapse was ignored while the other was covered by the New York Times, USA Today, CNN, ABC News, The Hill, PBS, and countless other news outlets.

About a minute into his speech about the taxpayer money he’s dumping into high-speed internet, Biden veered off his teleprompter and apparently forgot where he was, or what day it was.

“Where’s Deborah?” he asks, referring to Rep. Deborah Ross, who was in Washington. “Did she — I just had my picture taken with her. That’s probably why she left. (Laughter.) No, all kidding aside — but, anyway — you — oh, she couldn’t be here, actually. That’s not true. I got it mixed up.”

Later in that same speech, Biden, while carefully reading his teleprompter, said that “We’re the only major company in the world that has come out of every crisis stronger than we went in.” (He meant to say country, but never caught that error.)

One of the signs of dementia is “disorientation in terms of place and time, such as confusion regarding the season, date, day of the week, or time of day.”

You’d think that, given all the other signs of mental decline Biden has exhibited, this bizarre mental lapse would raise some alarms. Only Fox News and the New York Post bothered to it.

Now, switch over to Trump’s – entirely unscripted – remarks in New Hampshire the next day.

Trump, as he often does, was measuring his opponent based on crowd size.

“Look at all the people back there — you got a lot of people. This is supposed to be a quaint little area. This is not quaint at all. You know when [Nikki Haley] comes here she gets like nine people, and the press never reports the crowds you know.”

Then Trump suddenly switched gears to talk about Jan. 6.

“By the way, they never report the crowd on Jan. 6. You know Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, you know, they — do you know they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything, deleted and destroyed all of it. All of it. Because of lots of things … like Nikki Haley is in charge of security — we offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, National Guards, whatever they want. They turned it down. They don’t want to talk about that. These are very dishonest people.”

The Biden campaign, incredibly, decided to make hay of Trump’s flub, posting that “A deeply confused Trump confuses Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley multiple times: Nikki Haley was in charge on Jan. 6. They don’t want to talk about that.” 

The press took the bait, and then laughably claimed that the reason one Trump gaffe is big news while Biden’s everyday glitches aren’t is that Trump has been mocking Biden for his mental erosion.

“While Biden has had his fair share of gaffes and flubs, he hasn’t made his predecessor’s mental fitness a major campaign issue like Trump has,” is how NBC News put it.

The New York Times justified its coverage this way: “Mr. Trump, 77, often attacks President Biden, 81, over his age and suggests that Mr. Biden is mentally unfit for office. ‘He can’t put two sentences together,’ Mr. Trump said on Friday. ‘Can’t put two sentences together. He needs a teleprompter.’”

The corporate media then kept the Trump story alive for the entire weekend with various follow-ups.

Yeah, sure, we know, the corporate media are partisan hacks. But every once in a while their malfeasance is so flagrant it’s worth pointing out.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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  • Senile Joe and Trump are both too old to be running for president but Biden is well down the road to needing a nursing home. Trump isn’t there yet

    • What’s your point? The Rolling Stones are still on stage several hours a night. They’re older than Trump. Hell, I think they’re older than Biden. The number doesn’t matter- the senility, the lack of intelligence, and the corruption do.

  • Hillary Haley didn’t miss a beat on Trump’s slip. She’ll be screeching about that for the next two days. And then suddenly goes silent.

  • You do not have to hear Biden speak to know he is senile. His shuffle, his gapped mouth stares show his obvious mental decline.

    Competence, not age, is the deterministic point and Biden has no competence and probably never did.

  • Although, it might not seem that I am, I am a Trumpster. I do plan to vote for President Trump in November. However…. There is only way I won’t vote for him-and that if he persuades me not to.
    President Trump has the best instincts of any President since Ronald Reagan. He also, in my opinion, MAGNA-tized this nation under his Presidency. He was a GREAT President. Nearly all of his promises were kept-even with a recalcitrant Congress.
    Moreover, one of his greatest achievements was recognizing the perfidy of the Chinese Government. Before this, our strategy in dealing with the Chinese Government was letting it get away with as much as it could. In this way, we hoped-like we did with Iraq-to convert them to American Democracy.
    However, I’d disregard my admiration for him-and wouldn’t vote for him-if he chooses Nicki Haley as his VP.
    Why? Because he is in his upper seventies. He should choose a VP who stands by his policies. He’s convinced me that if Haley was President she would lead us into another war. She’s also likely to deplete our cache of weapons, as Biden has done, in order to protect the sovereignty of Ukraine.
    He’s also convinced me that Haley is a puppet and dupe of the RHINO war machine (as was Dick Cheney).
    All these things wouldn’t bother me if I was assured that Haley wouldn’t become President. But-as the VP-she is next in line. If something happens to President Trump (either sickness or-God forbid-death) then she would become our next President. And-as I pointed out-President Trump is in his late 70’s.
    All the bad things President Trump brought out regarding Haley, that persuaded me not to vote for Haley in my Ohio primary is a fantastic and overwhelming reason not to put her on the President Trump ticket as a VP.
    It also makes me wonder. If President Trump is considering her as a VP for his ticket, how really good are his current instincts?

  • Well, Trump did manage to get them to acknowledge that Pelosi was responsible for the J6 security and its “failures.”

    I think he was just on a roll and switched gears before he was finished thinking about her.

  • To “save our democracy.” as politicians love to intone with such false gravitas, it is less about who is president than who edits, writes for and who controls the press.

    A colossal case in point is the national Radio Silence about everything in “The Fall of Minneapolis” video that reveals the corruption and violation of justice in the George Floyd story and trial of the four policeman which lead to disaster, murder, arson and riots everywhere. Have any of our main media editors apologized or even stepped down in shame, or even for honor, for their leading roles in inciting all those riots?

    Our main media press is as mature as the mobs of just-out-of-high-school college students shouting down interesting speakers. Same level of maturity.

    The soundest way to save our democracy is to replace the editors of every main median newspaper and TV organization with wise, balanced and mature people.

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