Issues & Insights

Thanks A Million!!!

When we launched Issues & Insights a little over a year ago, our goal was simply to keep doing what we loved — using our decades of journalism experience to write hard-hitting, fact-based, informative commentaries on the top news of the day.

At Investor’s Business Daily — where we all were previously employed — the quality of our work attracted a sizable audience. But we had no idea if we could bring those readers over to a new site without having any institutional backing or any money whatsoever to promote it, and with each of us contributing to the site in our free time.

Since then, we have been delighted by the response we’ve received from readers who knew us at IBD, and those who’ve discovered us here at Issues & Insights.

Within three months we had attracted 1 million page views. We’ve seen steady growth in our audience since then. We now have more than 3,500 subscribers to our email alerts. We’ve published more than 6,000 comments — each of which we have reviewed and approved prior to publication.

This month marks another great milestone. We just topped 1 million page views in a single month.

 We want to extend our thanks to our readers, and especially to those who have so generously supported our efforts with your hard-earned money.

With your help, we will continue to do the hard work of reporting the facts before offering our opinions.


The I&I Editorial Board

We Could Use Your Help

Issues & Insights was founded by seasoned journalists of the IBD Editorials page. Our mission is to provide timely, fact-based reporting and deeply informed analysis on the news of the day -- without fear or favor.

We’re doing this on a voluntary basis because we believe in a free press, and because we aren't afraid to tell the truth, even if it means being targeted by the left. Revenue from ads on the site help, but your support will truly make a difference in keeping our mission going. If you like what you see, feel free to visit our Donations Page by clicking here. And be sure to tell your friends!

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I & I Editorial Board

The Issues and Insights Editorial Board has decades of experience in journalism, commentary and public policy.


  • Congratulations! I’m happy I found YOU and can support your efforts.Keep it going!

  • Congratulations! Your site is a daily must read for me and I have learned a lot, from you and other sites you link to. Thanks so much! Keep up the good work!

About Issues & Insights

Issues & Insights is run by seasoned journalists who were behind the Pulitzer Prize-winning IBD Editorials page (before it was summarily shut down). Our goal then and now is to bring our decades of combined journalism experience to help readers understand the top issues of the day. I&I is a completely independent operation, beholden to none, but committed to providing cogent, rational, data-driven, fact-based commentary that the nation so desperately needs. 

We Could Use Your Help

Help us fight for honesty in journalism and against the tyranny of the left. If you like what you see, leave a donation by clicking on donate button above. You can also set up regular donations if you like. Ad revenue helps, but your support will truly make a difference. (Please note that we are not set up as a charitable organization, so donations aren't tax deductible.) Thank you!

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